The report simply implies a question: would you rather have no vaccine and risk a severe case of COVID, or have a vaccine and risk a more likely but less life-threatening case? As long as people understand the difference, they can make their choice. The important thing is accuracy of information.

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That's not the pertinent question at all. The real question is do you want to take an experimental, genetic, immunity changing, dangerous and often deadly injectable state sponsored poison as part of the largest orchestrated medical murder in history perpetrated by ruling class psychopaths or do you want to risk catching a pathogen that is not longer in circulation and was also a bioweapon with multiple cheap, safe and effective treatments even when it was around?

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That is a pertinent question.This study reminds me of the parable of the six blind men and the elephant.

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Ur brain is broken Duncan. How brainwashed r u? Its impossible to provw that the vaccine helps lessen the effect of Covid. R u incapable of critical thought? How did u fall for that BS?

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I can think of a number of pills you should keep taking.

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No suprise u dont want to embarress urself trying to explain somwthing that even a 12 yr old can realize makes no sense comsidering everyone reacts to Covid differently

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And what explanation have you given for your point of view? Absolutely none. Your posts simply consist of personal abuse. You're an empty vessel. No? Go on then, prove me wrong. Where are your stats, your science, your incontestable points of evidence? We're all waiting to see you shine.

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You asking for stats and evidence proves my point that you dont have any critical thinking capabilities. You can even recognize that its impossible to run a scientific experiment to prove the claim that the vaccine will soften your reaction to Covid. Still waiting for u to explain how its possible to even run the experiment....

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I guess u didnt read my comment. Ur regurgitating the claims made by the gov and media and Bog Pharma that the vaccine can lessen the effect of Covid on a person who catches it. But everyone reacts completely different when they catch it whether they have the shot or not. With or without the shot, some show no symptoms, while some show mild to moderate sympts and some die. If I got vaccinated and caught Covid and had mild symptoms, its completely impossible to prove that my reaction to Covid would have been worse if I wasnt vaccinated. I dont understand how everyone couldnt see this claim was completely speculative from the beginning.

If younhad a clone of yourself than you could possible test this claim on the two of you but it would still b inconclusive unless you and ur clone ate the exact same food, experienced the same exact stress levels and emotional experiences and got the same sleep etc, since all those things effect our immune system whichbeffects how our boddies react to a virus

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So, no stats, no science, no incontestable arguments. Just illogical gibberish and uninformed polemical nonsense. That’s what I thought.

Try reading my original comment again. You know: the one where I say people should make up their own minds. You seem to have interpreted that as something completely different, then have come on here to verbally abuse a stranger. Takes a lot of guts to do that while sitting in you mother’s basement. Meanwhile, out here in the real world, the adults are getting on with their lives.

Good luck to you, son.

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