Codeblue is obviously a typical left-leaning site that panders to western big pharma lines of narrative. I take no stock in their articles and I consider them to be shills for big pharma and the deep state.

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Soros is the ambassador extraordinaire for the US govt. He interferes in many countries with impunity. It is obvious he has govt support. He even has time and space awarded to him by WEF. Don’t forget Klaus Schwab has strong Nazi roots. US is covertly and overtly interfering in our country’s governance

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Murray, "LGBTQ+ issues in health, through the sister publication OVA..." - I think I know who funds that: There is a charity foundation that is like the biggest funder of LGBTQ-transgender causes in the world, and to a lesser extent they do wildlife protection as cover, that was founded by a billionaire BIOTECH executive. In places where promoting LGBTQ-transgender stuff would probably be illegal (e.g. Malaysia, Uganda, Middle East, etc) they use wildlife as cover e.g. fund local wildlife groups or charities with the catch being they have to subtlety or covertly promote LGBTQ activities (which of course can cause problems for whoever takes their $ in these places...). I am sure a search engine will turn up the foundation's name and I thought I hade seen something on Substack or another alt news site that had investigated this group's activities b/c they are funding alot of the transgender stuff... This foundation, since its linked to a biotech billionaire, is probably funding OVA's activities and maybe Code Blue as well...

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I was reading their daily compiled piece during COVID and it was clear to me from the articles I was seeing or they were linked to that they are funded by Soros' Open Society and/or the US Govt via various intermediaries e.g. USAide, Soros' Open Society etc. Why?

1) Sponsored or syndicated type articles about climate change and other such topics that interest certain groups and get syndicated on a wide variety of similar sites who are obviously being funded by the same sources...

2) Those sources would be Soros' Open Society and the US Govt as they fund much of the global media that is not otherwise state sponsored. This is not conspiracy theory as everyone knows that very very few media publications or websites make enough $ to keep the lights on these days with advertising and/or subscriptions...

3) LET ME ALSO ADD: Big Pharma pays for 75% of the commercials during the nightly news in the USA - another source of funding for the media...

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023

A good critique of Code Blue which is a rather fishy outfit going by the type of stuff they are peddling. Would be interesting to

know what organisations provide their funds.

Meanwhile, "Reuters, The Atlantic, and The Guardian" have known leanings and are downright spooky outfits, say no more!

I won't be exactly surprised who Code Blue gets it's funds and maybe even orders from, as they go, thus far, they appear rather pro-establishment. Btw, Big Pharma pays extremely well if you want to whore for them, and medical researchers, journalists, politicians, academics, doctors, labs, lobbyists, hospitals, etc etc do.

If you go against Big Pharma, then it's very bad news for you.

When the Guardian was still a decent rag, it once published a long piece about a medical academic. He moved to a new job from UK to an American university to a very well-paid job and good post. When he started writing unfavorable stuff about his benefactor's (Eli Lilly psst...) product, the university abruptly asked him to leave.

A Brit television station covering ethics in medicine went out to an island paradise in the West Indies where a pharmaceutical corporation was hosting doctors, hospitals, PR animals, etc, caught one of their colleagues with her knickers down. She was out enjoying the event to promote a product and enjoying the very nice perks/bribes lavished on the attendees.

The there was that doctor who was made an unperson with his comments about the MMR vaccine...

I did say the money was good, very good, if you whore yourself for the filthy rich Big Pharma.

If you are keen on codes and colours, Code Pink is more interesting - and useful.

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AS I COMMENTED ABOVE: I was reading their daily compiled piece during COVID and it was clear to me from the articles I was seeing or they were linked to that they are funded by Soros' Open Society and/or the US Govt via various intermediaries e.g. USAide, Soros' Open Society etc. Why?

1) Sponsored or syndicated type articles about climate change and other such topics that interest certain groups and get syndicated on a wide variety of similar sites who are obviously being funded by the same sources...

2) Those sources would be Soros' Open Society and the US Govt as they fund much of the global media that is not otherwise state sponsored. This is not conspiracy theory as everyone knows that very very few media publications or websites make enough $ to keep the lights on these days with advertising and/or subscriptions...

3) LET ME ALSO ADD: Big Pharma pays for 75% of the commercials during the nightly news in the USA - another source of funding for the media...

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I think the names of "Soros' Open Society and the US Govt.." - and whoever else calling the tune should be openly declared - even drummed into our consciousness.

There may be media whores here and there and maybe everywhere but their role and their motivation (and integrity) should be as open and plain for us to see.

Funds may help some of the unemployed and unemployable writers in Malaysia get their livelihood, and may even get politicians into power, but I would still be mostly interested in the integrity and quality of concerned organisations and their operatives.

Pharmaceutical companies are quite interesting. For Europe, the US, they send their audience to expensive holiday island paradises and lavish on them, first class flights, 4-star everything. In Malaysia, the targets are crammed into hotel ballrooms, fed MAS airline type food, fed "presentations" (propaganda) and given their "two free gifts" of a cloth carrier bag and a mug. Both carrying free advertising for the kind sponsor/s. Sometimes "presentations" are done abroad, you get a cheap holiday and questionable activities cannot be scrutinised.

Malaysia needs totally independent bodies for anything on the medical front, we have just too many clowns and morons running the show, our streets and even holes in the walls are filled with quacks, frauds and shops selling "medicine"... meanwhile we also have questionable enterprises which are coy about who their parents are, wtf!

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Georgia recently attempted to pass a transparency law and coincidentally almost had a colour revolution - I think they were forced to back down...

- "fed MAS airline type food..." In my experience when I was in the Philippines some years ago, the media DOES NOT like this. IF you wanted positive media coverage, the meal for them at your event had to be good :)

- "Malaysia needs totally independent bodies for anything on the medical front..." BUT half the health care sector is state controlled...

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

" in the Philippines"

They might be different there but our media (and other) whores could jolly well be five for the price of two, plus two free gifts.

A second helping of MAS airlines food may do the trick...

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