Once more an attack on Malays and on Muslims labelling them Malay Muslims. As if to say that the writer did a comprehensive sampling of the population to be able to conclude as he/ she does. This is a Miriam Mokhtar type of scribble. The obligatory denigrating air head anti Malay diatribe.

No religion has adherents who practice every element of their religion. In the solitude of ones private space, time and mind one often deviates into the vastness of the mind and the worlds it exists in. No sins committed there.

Just as there are variations of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism (the latter two not strictly religions) orthodoxy alone does not constitute fulfillment of religious duties. It is such a weak and unintelligent argument.

Change happens whether or not we like it to. It is a function of human life. It is sufficient that a group or individual subscribes to a religion if it meets their criteria for self fulfillment. We are after all tribal and communal wherever we go.

But the point is why the obsession with some (mainly Chinese and their apologists like Mokhtar) over Malays and Muslims? As if there are not enough problems for others who are non Malay and Non Muslim.

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the pracyisin Christian is white supremacist who kill people like Blair and Bushtogether they killed 1 million Arab muslims.

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What do you know of Islam and Malay Muslims, really what?

While we boast of being ‘the perfect religion’ a religion to end all the malfeseances of the past religions, with a profound book of ‘divine’ guidances, a religion of adherents that pray five times a day, goes to the cleansing haj, gives zakahs, with akidah, iman and purity boasted till high heavens....

....the receivers of Allah’s final revelations, the exalted, perfect. superior Quran, a correction of all the other religions of the past, embellished by the heirs of the Prophet and every single Muslim, till high heavens, for 1443 years, today we still failed at good governance, promulgators of anything intellectual or makers of good for the betterment of mankind, who are we fooling?

We prey onto the ‘kafirs’ and ‘takfiris’ who differs in their understanding of the belief system.

Many no longer believe in their belief system.

The oft repeated mantra for their failing as repeated by Zakir Naik ‘they don’t follow the Quran’

Or, don’t blame the Quran, blame the Muslims for not following the Quran. Sureee.

The point is, what good is a book of revelations if many do not follow it?

What good is it? What’s the point of the revelations? What please?

‘The peaceful religion’ yes, in the Quran, where please in reality?

‘The killing one man is as if it’s the killing of the whole of humanity’ yes, in the Quran, where please in reality?

Kafir harbi Dhimmis are protected citizens of a Daulah, the dhimmis are killed, irrespective or hunted like prey, subjugated, converted or historically killed.

So, where please in reality?

‘Just one religion.’

Muslims and the secular persons are no different.

Both are those fallible men who indulge in degeneracy, decadence and perversion.

Additionally, Muslims indulge in societal segregation, ‘kafirs’ and ‘Muslims’, which leads to social unrest and tension.

No other religion does this.

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the practicing Christian is white supremacist who kill people like Blair and Bushtogether they killed 1 million Arab muslims.😂😂 that is how they practice Christianity. the practicing Arab blew up twin towers. so be glad not many are practicing Christians😂😂😂

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Clearly YOU are referring to Judaism and Christianity. Islam is derived from Judaism. All of their prophets and their doctrines profess the same thing in one form or the other. So what if some (even if they are many) who deviate or rebel against it? Since when did it become the prerogative of the local Chinse to therefore stand in judgment of Islam or the Malays?

You should change from Moose to goose (equally moronic).

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What do we know of islam and the perfect malay muslim?

First, we do not know. We may never know what we know in the first place, including that of islam(and the perfect muslim) but we can chose to believe in it.

Secondly, Islam is a guide on how to live in this world. The guidance are revealed by god and you can refer to it in the holy scripture.

Thirdly, what is a perfect malay muslim? A perfect malay muslim is the one that is rightly guided. The one that do good over evil. He is a moderate, just, of temperance and are of courage.

One maybe ignorant of what is the right knowledge and hence the cause of one's restlessness.

Be rightly guided and one shall find fulfillment. One shall be less restless and angry.😍🙏

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Islam is a belief system that is complete. This is why it last so long. A muslim in malaysia typically are exposed to islam via its parents and then the society it lives in. Its teachings are nurtured in them since they were three to four yrs old.

A muslim may not practise islam in their youth but once they hit 60, they will go back to islam. You will hardly meet a non practising muslim in late 50s or 60s.

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whoever practice religion? catholic priests sodomised boys..everyone try to do what pleasure they can get. solace or kill themselves if they fail. Murray is a confused mat Saleh..a religion is passed from one culture and they will be different from the originator. bastardised Christianity is every where eg Hannah Yeoh wearing tudung.

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Not a blinkered Muslim.

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Why do those who pretend they are Muslims go bananas and ape when non-Muslims comment about Muslims - and Islam?

If there's such paranoia and fear about non-Muslim comments about Muslims and Islam, it sure shows weakness and the lack of faith in Allah. Meaning you think Allah can't protect himself and needs some self-proclaimed follower to defend him?

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No relevance. A generalization full of it.

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Dont touch on religion please!!!! Are you holier than the rest of us?

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I dont know where Murray got his feedback from

But he has lowered himself many down the ladder of credibility.

Dont you have any other topics to write

Its been fun Murray.

A bit difficult to accept your values.

I am.unsubscribing.and will not follow or read any more of your articles

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