The mystery of Sirul's entry into Australia, a nation whose borders are tightly guarded, remains a pandora's box. It is not something that's easily resolved by the man returning to Malaysia's shores to blurt out the truth.
Sirul holds secrets the Australian government and the Americans both of who played a part in the undermining of the Malay dominated government and jailing of former Prime Minister DS Najib, do not want answered.
There could very well be a "Jack Ruby" waiting in the wings to finish Sirul off before he tells his side of the story. Bringing Sirul back to Malaysia is not something Sirul wants. It is not something many in Malaysia's ruling circles and the NGO's desire either.
Altantuya was a prostitute, a call girl who sought to make her fortune in Malaysia by climbing the social ladder in the beds of the rich and famous. She got caught up in a web of intrigue and arms deals not of her making, but a web nonetheless that ended her life with a bullet through her left temple.
The mandatory death sentence may have been abolished in Malaysia. But the death sentence remains. This is the quality of understanding of the law by lawyers and academics alike in Malaysia. They never read the fine print because they don't think. They follow the crowd as most followers of NGO politics do everywhere. They are the Woke, the dumb and the mainly young, all Malaysian mainly non Malays.
Sirul will not return to Malaysia of his own volition. He can't be forced out of Australia against his will. He has been kept incommunicado at a secret location in Australia by the government of Australia for good reason.
There is more to the killing of Altantuya than meets the eye. The myth of DS Najib and his wife being present at the site of Altantuya's murder and being witnessing her beg for her life and the life of her "unborn child" inspite of that myth being demolished.
Inspite of testimony given by Sirul himself and the forensic scientific evidence contradicting the myths surrounding the killing of Altantuya, it is still believed by many in Malaysia.
Altantuya is a distraction from a deeper set of issues involving big power politics and control for the Malayan peninsula and beyond.
No one in Malaysia really wants the truth behind the events that saw the jailing of Najib, his 'lightning rod' wife and the case of1MDB. It is far more sinister than what meets the eye. It is far more complex than what many Malaysians are able to understand.
The mystery of Sirul's entry into Australia, a nation whose borders are tightly guarded, remains a pandora's box. It is not something that's easily resolved by the man returning to Malaysia's shores to blurt out the truth.
Sirul holds secrets the Australian government and the Americans both of who played a part in the undermining of the Malay dominated government and jailing of former Prime Minister DS Najib, do not want answered.
There could very well be a "Jack Ruby" waiting in the wings to finish Sirul off before he tells his side of the story. Bringing Sirul back to Malaysia is not something Sirul wants. It is not something many in Malaysia's ruling circles and the NGO's desire either.
Altantuya was a prostitute, a call girl who sought to make her fortune in Malaysia by climbing the social ladder in the beds of the rich and famous. She got caught up in a web of intrigue and arms deals not of her making, but a web nonetheless that ended her life with a bullet through her left temple.
The mandatory death sentence may have been abolished in Malaysia. But the death sentence remains. This is the quality of understanding of the law by lawyers and academics alike in Malaysia. They never read the fine print because they don't think. They follow the crowd as most followers of NGO politics do everywhere. They are the Woke, the dumb and the mainly young, all Malaysian mainly non Malays.
Sirul will not return to Malaysia of his own volition. He can't be forced out of Australia against his will. He has been kept incommunicado at a secret location in Australia by the government of Australia for good reason.
There is more to the killing of Altantuya than meets the eye. The myth of DS Najib and his wife being present at the site of Altantuya's murder and being witnessing her beg for her life and the life of her "unborn child" inspite of that myth being demolished.
Inspite of testimony given by Sirul himself and the forensic scientific evidence contradicting the myths surrounding the killing of Altantuya, it is still believed by many in Malaysia.
Altantuya is a distraction from a deeper set of issues involving big power politics and control for the Malayan peninsula and beyond.
No one in Malaysia really wants the truth behind the events that saw the jailing of Najib, his 'lightning rod' wife and the case of1MDB. It is far more sinister than what meets the eye. It is far more complex than what many Malaysians are able to understand.