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Efforts to secure a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine are underway, Trump said, claiming that Kiev is “ready to make a deal.” He called the Ukraine conflict “an absolute killing field,” declaring it’s “time to end it.”Trump also reiterated that he is willing to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin “soon” to discuss the situation.

The US president pointed to China as being able to help end the conflict. “They have a great deal of power over that situation,” Trump told the forum, saying he envisioned a good relationship with Beijing.

VERY INTERESTING But will it work? What deal can Kiev make that Russia would accept other than totl surrender? Nothing?

And if Russia says no then what can or will Trump do that can presure Russia to end the conflict? China is very powerful indeed. But there is no incentive for China to lean on Russia to end the conflict. Especially if it as the behest of the US, country that has attacked China for over a decade, supportig Taiwan and boycotting China i terms of trade.

The US has nothing to offer China. No leverage. And what China wants from the US such as de recognitio of Taiwan and an end to its interfernece in China's claims in the South China Sea the US cannot deliver to China at all. Russia is a far better bet for China. China will also want total capitulation from the Americans in policy terms. Trump and the US has no leverage wth China.

His offer of tax cuts to foreign investors to prduce i the US is an empty promise and wishful thinking. How do the unemployed which is the largest tax pool in the US benefit from paying lower taxes? What he is doing if he goes down that track is to increase social security payments and empty the already drained coffers of the state.

China and Russia do not trust the US under Trump or under any other US adminstration.

De Nuclearize and reduce stock piles? Once bitten twice shy. It won't work. Lessons learned after the break up of the Soviet Union and the pludering of the Soviets assets the US (Trump) is deluding itself when it thinks it can do deals which are in fact merely pious platitudes of a delusional Trump pandering to a desperate US living in the 1970's.

“My message to every business in the world is very simple. Come make your product in America, and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on Earth,”

Nobody wants to produce anything in the USA. It is why manufacturing deserted the country and went south to Mexico, east to China and to South Asia. Who would risk an investment in maufacturing in a country with 26,000,000 fentanyl, heroin, cocaine users and pill popper workforce? Their unions are controlled by the Mafia and uninterrupted production schedules are an impossibility in the USA. Dream on buddy. Lower taxes mean nothing unless wages can be controlled and the power of unions curtailed.

To tap that "liquid gold under your feet" you'll firstly have to make sure the market for energy can be controlled by the US. It no longer has that clout.

China and India are the two biggest markets for energy. The US has burned all its bridges in the middle east and Asia. Saudi Arabia will not lower its oil prices. It is doing nicely thank you with American boycotts of Venezuelan, Russian ad Iranian oil. Why would the middle east oil producers want to change their positions now?

It'll take the US at least a decade to bring its oil production up to a level to be able to compete with its rivals. And by the time it does so, it will be using its oil to fire up its domestic needs and will find it unattractive to drill for further oil because the Russians, Venezuelans and Iranians will by then flood the market with even cheaper oil then. Thank Israel for that.

His attack on illegals and migrants in general is a death wish. The illegals and migrants are there firstly becaue of a general decline in the America work ethic. Farmers can't employ drugged or high wage demanding American workers. Neither can they replce migrant workers in the lower end of the work force in hospitality, semi skilled, skilled and vocational sectors. The mans a complete delusional fool. But the USA voted him in for the secod time. What does this say about the USA?

Elon Musk whose companies and their share prices are of questionable value is the person who will benefit most from the new Trump led USA. He will milk Trump and his love for flashy rockets and space junk till it all explodes like may of Musk's rockets did in recent times. He'll then turn on the man when it all goes pear shaped which it will. He is white South African, a Boer after all.

Kook Skrew Plait Boreder.

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