Too many Malaysians are dying from their own neglect of their health. Keuh Tiau, Bakut Teh, Cigarettes, alcohol illegal stimulants and sedentary jobs coupled with a lack of exercise all make for death on a plate.
No one can prevent death. Prolong it perhaps and or take steps through personal responsibility may help. Rice in small quantities is .healthy. But not in the amounts Malays and Indians consume.
Don't blame government if you have nothing better to do. No exercise and bad diets beats a bad government to the crematorium any day.
I know a retired gov friend died from heart attack after 2nd kill shot
Too many Malaysians are dying from their own neglect of their health. Keuh Tiau, Bakut Teh, Cigarettes, alcohol illegal stimulants and sedentary jobs coupled with a lack of exercise all make for death on a plate.
No one can prevent death. Prolong it perhaps and or take steps through personal responsibility may help. Rice in small quantities is .healthy. But not in the amounts Malays and Indians consume.
Don't blame government if you have nothing better to do. No exercise and bad diets beats a bad government to the crematorium any day.