Verily I say unto thee... Look no further, for the kingdom of G*d is within you.
No need to do any intellectual masturbation. The more you intellectualise the further the Truth would be from you. So no need to pore over tons of books and travel the Universe.
Looks inward. Sit down and empty yourself of everything. Do that for hours each day. Do that for weeks and months (and years) if need be, until you are secure without all the worldly "knowledge" nearly always from the blind and one-eyed.
If we need to "know", how come the illiterates can get enlightened? The Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism was one such wonder. He heard someone recited a short sutra, and loo and behold, that was enough.
So pity those illiterates who seemingly need to enrol in a forever course involving everything in the Universe, who can hardly write his name, he'd be badly lost and never enter the kingdom of the Allahmighty.
So just calm down, sit down and do absolutely nothing. Just sit and sit, do nothing, and you'll eventually think nothing.
Thinking, or rather, mentally shagging yourself is extremely dangerous and futile exercise. Old Mao also said the more you read, intellectualise, and verbalise, the more stupid you become. Think about it this way, an "ignorant" soul comes to you and ask about the Kingdom of G*d and you respond with a great big intellectual wank, oozing ceaselessly your "knowledge". Won't that not scare him?
A man of great learning came to a lakeside, carrying two big bundle of books, said to the boatman he wanted to cross the huge lake. Boatman was impressed, said "Wow! I've never seen so many tomes, you must be a man of great learning, a professor!"
Man of great learning asked "Have you ever read anything, my dear fellow?" Boatman said "No, I can hardly read".
Man of great learning said "That's sad, you've lost half your life!"
At the middle of the lake, a storm broke out and the boat cracked and started leaking.
Boatman asked the man of great learning "Professor! Can you swim?"
Man of great learning replied "No, I can't swim!"
Boatman said "I am so sorry, my dear fellow, you are going to lose your whole life!"
The sage Lao Tzu said for your head, do daily decrease, get rid of the contents of your head, day by day.
And you'll be free. The "wise man" is but a fool. Guys, stop wanking, empty yourselves.
Verily I say unto thee... Look no further, for the kingdom of G*d is within you.
No need to do any intellectual masturbation. The more you intellectualise the further the Truth would be from you. So no need to pore over tons of books and travel the Universe.
Looks inward. Sit down and empty yourself of everything. Do that for hours each day. Do that for weeks and months (and years) if need be, until you are secure without all the worldly "knowledge" nearly always from the blind and one-eyed.
If we need to "know", how come the illiterates can get enlightened? The Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism was one such wonder. He heard someone recited a short sutra, and loo and behold, that was enough.
So pity those illiterates who seemingly need to enrol in a forever course involving everything in the Universe, who can hardly write his name, he'd be badly lost and never enter the kingdom of the Allahmighty.
So just calm down, sit down and do absolutely nothing. Just sit and sit, do nothing, and you'll eventually think nothing.
Thinking, or rather, mentally shagging yourself is extremely dangerous and futile exercise. Old Mao also said the more you read, intellectualise, and verbalise, the more stupid you become. Think about it this way, an "ignorant" soul comes to you and ask about the Kingdom of G*d and you respond with a great big intellectual wank, oozing ceaselessly your "knowledge". Won't that not scare him?
A man of great learning came to a lakeside, carrying two big bundle of books, said to the boatman he wanted to cross the huge lake. Boatman was impressed, said "Wow! I've never seen so many tomes, you must be a man of great learning, a professor!"
Man of great learning asked "Have you ever read anything, my dear fellow?" Boatman said "No, I can hardly read".
Man of great learning said "That's sad, you've lost half your life!"
At the middle of the lake, a storm broke out and the boat cracked and started leaking.
Boatman asked the man of great learning "Professor! Can you swim?"
Man of great learning replied "No, I can't swim!"
Boatman said "I am so sorry, my dear fellow, you are going to lose your whole life!"
The sage Lao Tzu said for your head, do daily decrease, get rid of the contents of your head, day by day.
And you'll be free. The "wise man" is but a fool. Guys, stop wanking, empty yourselves.