GISBH is 100% halal.

Lest you ignorant wonders think it is created by the left hand of the Non-Muslims.

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I am more concerned with kosher certification, I do eat quite a few Jewish foods: houmous, felafel, challah bread, lokshen pudding, and so on when Palestinian/Arab alternatives are not available.

Problem is in Bolehland kosher certification don't exist and halal foods are really fcuking awful.

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The certification should extend overseas, a good many of my Malay friends abroad (and here) just can't resist their ham, bacon, lard, beer, wine, etc. I'm sure my Malay friends would want a fcuking good laugh going against the mullahs and bad taste.

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How is it racist to rebut such an allegation which generalizes and demonises an entire race and the largest body of religion, Islam (1,800,000,000)?

How does that deny their accusers right to speak, vote, drink water from the same well as you or do any other thing their constitutional rights guaranteed them because of their race? Do you even know what racism is apart from the word alone? You ignorant imbecile.

Yes I live abroad occassionally (depending on where you live) Don't see how that or my name matters. The internet has no borders. I am proud of my name. Your comment suggests you are a half caste individual with no reason to be proud of your name.

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"Yes I live abroad occasionally"

Who's begging to know, eh?

Why "occasionally"? They kept sending you away in your stolen rubber dinghy?

"the largest body of religion, Islam (1,800,000,000)"". "largest body" don't mean a thing, it's just means that the largest bodies pig on fattening halal food and the obese bodies have to be hidden by wearing fcuking giant tents!

And terrorism is not a religoon.

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You are fcuking lying through your grandma's denture again, Gopher Chicken Korma, Islam isn't the "largest body of religion" even if the smelly bodies of the followers are always fcuking large, gigantic, in fact!

Just what do those followers pig themselves with, they are frequently fcuking medically obese! They never stop growing more and more grotesque blocking the pavements waddling around and getting out of breath and dying young still at our expense.

Meanwhile the medical costs of keeping those fcuking sh*t4brain blimps alive and struggling in hospital beds come to lucky us!

The statistics for Muslim populations count in those born as "Muslims" long before they have no choice but to be called "Muslims". Some say Muslims "breed like rabbits" so you'll expect large membership numbers.

You can't be "Muslim" or anything when you are born. Apart from jordan Tan here who says there are universities in your mummy's womb, there are actually no mosques, madrassahs or imams inside your mummy!

The biggest religion is still Christianity, Alhamdullilah!

There's also statistics pointing out each year more and more Muslims are opting out of their religion, many openly. There are of course those many who keep quiet about their apostasy, the punishment is death - which seems to suggest there are those who remain quiet for fear of being unpleasantly punished.

I would think seriously about leaving my religion of stone worship and becoming Muslim. It won't be nice for me if I may find out it is a false religion and full of buggery, rape, etc, and I get put to death if I want to go to another kopitiam! Even suffering by being arrested and taken to a secret location in the jungle and being re-brainwashed by some ugly dumbfcuk hypocrites puts me off!

Meanwhile, enjoy this one:


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I think non-Malays are NOT BOTHERED or should be bothered by these crazy policy suggestion-it will bring about a total collapse of the Muslim business model. If the Muslim/Malay are not complaining why should Non-Muslims complain-let them do what they want, as long as I can have my pork and eat it.

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The use of pork in food preparation like alcohol is, is a non tariff baarrier to Muslim mployment. About time it was stopped and the Chinse made to behave like civilized human beings. Even if at the end of a parang blade.

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"the Chinse made to behave like civilized human beings"

Gopher Chicken Korma, being "civilized human beings" means one shouldn't take any life, not just pigs.

And as for the "end of a parang blade" .you seem to be unaware of how to handle a parang!

Worse still, when it comes to the keris, our "chosen wans" show even greater ignorance and stupidity!

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And why not and why is this xenophobe Hunter think this is newsworthy? The Jews do the same for Kosher foods, the Hindus have their version of dietry licensing and approvals so too the Christians in the middle east and so on and so forth. Perhaps not in Hat Yai where even aids and venereal disease amongst the women and men when rampant is treated as normal.

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Mamak ?

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"aids and venereal disease amongst the women and men"

Amazing, Gopher Chicken Korma, how would you know such things?

Your parents live in "Hat Yai"?

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You sound like a person who is hiding your true identity. Additionally, your comments is that of a racist. You seem to be attacking non-Muslims in this article which highlights that trade will be impacted by stupid policies like these. PAS should focus on RAPE of Malay/Muslim children. the corruption in the Mosques and Madrassas. 1 billion $ of money (including Hatam money from alcohol & Genting highlands) were handed over to Jakim. You hypocrite! You are critical of the Chinese, but they work hard. Why do you think with a large local population of Malays were Chinese & Indians brought in? It was the Non Muslims that built Malaysia!

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When someone enters Bolehland, Bolehland ceases to be halal. Extortion rackets at immigration, bribery, trafficking are not exactly halal... Alhamdullilah!

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