How many of us are aware the genesis of these GLCs which no democratic Western nation will permit ? It all began in 1968 in the Jurong Industrial Park. Singaporean traders were encouraged to set up factories which failed by 1970. Names like Fair Lady Hair Wigs, Regency Hair Wigs, Starlite Ceramics, Eupoc, my latest Swiss biscuit factory etc because the mentality of a trader was unlike that of an industrialist and the was no market I was there and noted the Singapore Government was very keen to provide employment for the Malays. With the collapse of private Singaporean enterprise in Jurong, the advice of UN economics expert Dr Albert Winsemius, a Dutchman and Adviser to the Singapore Government 1962-1984 was accepted to turn Singapore Government monopolies into Public entities like SIA, NOL, UIC, DBS, Keppel, Sembawang, Far East Levingston, Asian Dollar etc.. By the early 1980s, all were profitable because these were monopolies. Lee Kuan Yew coined the words Government linked corporations or GLCs. In 1982, Deng Xiao Ping dropped by Singapore and thought he had found the perfect solution to part transform a Communist economy into a Capitalist economy. He said,' We will do better than them !' Russia followed suit. Little were they aware that it was difficult to control the digits as Russia and China were vast lands. Soon 100 Chinese were on the run from GLCs for corruption. Both countries toned down their enthusiasm for GLCs. Under Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore a tiny place was controlled firmly by him. A phone call would reveal all ! Even the Singapore GLC Keppel is alleged to be in corruption in Brazil. ! As for Malaysia, my 1972 Concept to capture Sime Darby PLC to fast track the Malays into big business was supported by the PM Tun Abdul Razak and YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Vide Far East Economic Review 1975. The first GLC in the World. Tun Abdul Razak's intention was to pull Malaysia up a tier by the further capture of British light engineering entities and more. Unfortunately, Tun Abdul Razak died young. After 1981, Sime Darby was turned into a fine trading British like trading house with no risk but only to sell goods for other countries. From the excesses of the Sime Darby Malaysian Management 1982-2010, copy cats were a'plenty. Over 1,800 GLCs had to be closed down as a former Minister of Finance told me recently. I reckon today, there are still over 300 GLCs remained. In the World, only authoritarian Russia, China, Singapore and DEMOCRATIC MALAYSIA have GLCs. Democratic Western countries forbid these corruptible institutions with Governments involved in business !
THE GLCs WILL KILL US ALL IN MALAYSIA AS NONE MAKE MONEY MANAGED BY AMATEURS WHO ARE NOT THE OWNERS AND ALL OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT'S OFFICIAL DEBT AND BUDGET ! The money locked up in the GLCs is unproductive in Private Sector terms by occupying a 'GLC' requirement' space in Malaysia's financial institutions GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT !
Mr Corn Can, you are back with your blazing schizophrenic finest and narcissistic delusion of grandeur bragging and bullshitting away with your fake news!
Go easy on manufacturing your amazing pile of embellished bullock manure, it is completely deranged!
For a start, you are citing a myth that
" In 1982, Deng Xiao Ping dropped by Singapore and thought he had found the perfect solution to part transform a Communist economy into a Capitalist economy. He said,' We will do better than them !'"
The myth was partly invented by a self-serving Singapore and beloved by the West - until China flew off with it's achievements and started gutting the West - and Singapore too.
Today Singapore is an embarrassing arse-kisser of China, and waiting in panic for China to cut a canal across Thailand.
I'll deal with the rest later, but your making yourself up as some kind of "enlightened illuminary" advising Lee Kuan Yew and everyone else in your pile of bullock manure is classic runaway all-guns blazing full-blown schizophrenia and gasket-exploding delusional narcissism!
Still, I remember Deng Xiao Ping calling on you, you as a hybrid banana creature let out of the cuckoo's nest for the day and serving Hainanese chicken rice at the Raffles couldn't understand anything of Uncle Deng's Sichuan accent because as a pretend Angmoh you can't understand any Chinese anyway..!
Told you I can't be jealous of anyone like you who are such a blazing schizophrenic and maniacally deluded narcissist who has the fantasy that every politician and the whole freaking country should have listened to your mad rants from the cuckoo's nest - or your Hakka detention paradise where your loyal Hakka amah "wives" protect you from being spat on.
And being, as a perpetual bankrupt, grabbed by your admiring creditors.
Btw, "vulgarity and jealousy stink high heavens" can't happen. They don't smell "high... low... or middle heavens" or anywhere else, including your next stop Hell.
It's just your raving schizophrenia and maniacal delusional narcissism, and those voices in your midget head that tell you you are such a great wonder who nose everything!
I am trained not to hate anyone unlike you, jealous idiot !. I have always given during my Life-time . I never ask for favours, titles or money which I am not interested. Jealous idiot, would you give away your father's mansion with 13 acres in which you were born, the biggest in the Straits Settlements to be the FIRST ISTANA NEGARA MALAYSIA 1957-2010, in the National Interest in 1957 ? It is obvious you have no frontal lobes ! Never ask what you can get from my country. but only give what you can to my country ! By the way, I am a CONSTITUTIONALIST never a COMMUNALIST since 1954 ! Gud-day, jealous idiot
Unlike a wild animal like you, I don't need to go to kennel school to be "trained" , my qualities are all naturally in me. I can imagine your whisperer had hell trying to get you to be at least a half human.
About that yarn about your "generosity", no well-schooled Chinese would give something away with the sneaky lowdown intention of reaping max benefit from the "donation".
When you give something away, that's that, the "gift" is no longer something that still belongs to you. It would make the new owner embarrassed if you keep bragging about your fake generosity to him when you forever advertise you are such a great creature. Pushing yer luck may get your recipient to want to shove your "donation" up your rear tunnel!
Since you are a hybrid Chinese, a banana, you won't know about any Chinese etiquette. And since you are a fake Angmoh from the colonial species of running dogs, you won't know anything about how not to be anything than know your lowly place, wag your tail and lick your massahs' butts.
After your Angmoh massahs left Malaya, you buncha bananas tried selling yourselves and ingratiate yourselves (crawl) to Malaya. Unfortunately for you and fortunately for Malaya no one was the least bit interested in your clan of running dogs. And in spite of you trying too hard all the time to make yourself famous, no one has ever given you a shiite to this day.
As a raving schizophrenic and a maniacal delusional narcissist you are your one and only fan. You generate the hot air of your publicity for yourself to consume yourself!
"By the way, I am a Constitutionalism blah blah blah.."
You are into your me me me and myself again, I could care less about your self-advertising, you eat insects, or sleep with a corpse... Give yourself a break, go easy on your mental illness, spread your incessant bullshit and self-promotion thin and give your non-existent fans an easier time throwing up!
Stop your vindictiveness against me jealous syphilitic idiot from 88 Geylang Singapore. Remember your arrogance and pomposity, diseased idiot's remark. You said, 'Son, your comment is warped.' You do not respect our distinguished Host of this Blog. You impolitely interfered the rights of my comments which did not mention you or anyone else. Your diseased syphilitic mind is out of control. I pity your Family !
Jealous idiot. Your suppression of my comments which are non-personal, factual, fair and just in the National Interest shows your are UNDEMCRATIC and given to BULLY others who disagree with you Syphiltic Idiot ! Using the Net to display your diseased mental inaptitude to all. I have met many insane and jealous types like you in the Net who always hide behind fake names. You are permitted to exist here because of FREE SPEECH which you ABUSE . Jealous idiot ! You want my CV. Just send me your real email address. Save you time finding my Achilles ankle to take revenge ! I have none. Sorry ! Your acts show how very MAD and CRAZY you are as a jealous idiot. Wanting to kill others via the Net ! To make you more jealous, idiot ! I AM EXCEEDINGLY HAPPY. You are really MAD AND CRAZY. I pity your FAMILY if you have any !
You are the jealous Blankety Blank Idiotic son of a 16th Century syphilitic Portuguese sailor .! YOU ARROGANTLY STARTED THIS ALTERCATION FIRST. Remember what you said, ' Son, your comment is warped.' You disregarded our distinguished host here and continued with your inborn vulgarity. Using his platform to attack others without a cause. whose comments NEVER mention you because you DO NOT EXIST IDIOT ! Go back to 88 Geylang Singapore where you were born !
At the heart of all problems with government in Malaysia is the way in which legislation is drafted in Malaysia.
For most countries in the commonwealth and in common law countries there is a guide to drafting legislation which drafters rely on to perfect drafting of legislation. Not so in Malaysia it seems. The absurdity of poor sub standard legislative drafting and the impact of its vagueness and ambiguity is evident in the specific example re printed in this article.
That one page taken from a piece of legislation and published here in this article demonstrates the point. It is pregnant with potential for mischief for its lack of clarity or purpose. The grammar is shocking considering it may have been the handiwork of lawyers. A lawyers skills lie in their ability to articulate and express points of law, orally, in writing and in clear languge. There are more than half a dozen errors of drafting which renders the legislation in this regard otiose and redundant.
Perhaps critics of the legislation and the Penang government ought to familiarise themselves with defects in the law and legislation first before commenting critically or adversley on the government or the legislation.
This may well be the case of 3 blind men in a room with an elephant trying to guess what an elephant is by merely feeling its body parts.
It's not your day in court, plaintiff, plain stupid, or defendant.
A lawyer worth his belacan would spot your mental illness as a freaking stark raving schizophrenic and manic delusional narcissist, and capitalise on your delibitating illness.
You’ll rabbit endlessly bragging and bullshitting away about you you and yourself, and piss off the judge who would rightly rule against you just to get your ugly obese presence out of his face.
Not to forget you are also a perpetual bankrupt and if the case involves money, the judge would see you in bad light right away.
About that "I lost !", you would. You are jinxed as a permanent bankrupt. In other words, a freaking loser. What would you expect, an audience desperate for your gigantic load of flying bullshit?!
You are just a jealous idiot who takes advantage behind a fake name of our distinguished Host's tolerance, TO SUPPRESS AND THE FREE COMMENTS OF OTHERS BY BULLYING AND ABUSE OPENLY. You are a bl...dy coward to do this, idiot!
Sir, Unlike the UK, Australia, New Zealand Singapore and Hong Kong, at least 3 important Acts were never brought up to date being the Companies Act 1965, Bankruptcy Act 1967. the Trustees Act !949 ! These are essential Laws for the good governance of commerce, family and other interests. Malaysia had a Prime Minister with a Minister of Laws for 22 years and more. And a Bar Council with over 30,000 members. Not a squeak from anyone on updating the Laws like other countries. OMG !
You are incredibly moronic and know next to nothing about law and how the world works.
To make it worse, schizophrenics and extreme narcissists are incredibly fixed-minded, inflexible, and thick. Only an entity dead in the mind would want the law clear and have fixed interpretations. If so, we should expect a lot of lawyers to be unemployed - especially the majority of our lawyers from the plantations.
To make law profitable the "interests" want as many lawyers, as many arguments, as many interpretations, and as many days in court as possible.
To make it clearer, psychiatrists love lunatics like you. For without you around to say and do the insane, they'll be less work for them to analyse and argue whether you have the one mental affliction or two. Or more. And the more personalities you have, and the more voices you hear, the more dangerous you are, the better.
Malaysians love playing lawyers and masterbating legal texts thinking it's just a matter of reading Manglish. Unless you have the (very) few good lawyers among your friends to interpret any law in a thousand ways, and twist anything around and about, it is not safe to handle any reading of any legal text by yourself (even as a lawyer!)
Mr Corn Can, I won't count law as anything you are versed in. Err in fact I won't count anything at all you are versed in. Your delusional imagination, worse still your mental illness makes you think you are the last word in any subject. If you are sane, you'll know you ain't.
Mr Corn Can, how can any sane person be "jealous" of a stark raving lunatic?!
That's only possible in the cuckoo's nest where your admiring fans think they are Jesus H Christ, Mary Magdalene, all the Pope's, Kuan In, Kuan Out, Uncle Mo, Vishnu, Krishna, Hang Tuah, Genghiz Khan, I ran Khan, Attila the Hun, among many other celebrities.
"Obviously you are a Satan, not a Christian !"
Obviously you are a pretend Chinese, a pretend Angmoh arse-smooching banana entity who can only think immaturely in black and white - which is also a huge problem with schizophrenics and extreme delusional narcissism.
If you know anything Chinese than Hakka Yong Tau Fu and Hainanese chicken rice, you should know Yin and Yang makes a whole, Satan and Jesus one and same.
Obviously being "Christian" doesn't do anything for you, your mad mind fantasises you are "Christian". While, in reality, you are a real Satan.
But take heart, Satan is also Jesus, you'll just have to fight yourself, fight the battle to get Satan and the devils and demons out of the inside of you.
Be warned, there are those holy ones (and psychiatrists) who say blazing schizophrenics and extreme delusional narcissists can't be saved. You probably make the status of those who can't be saved.
In that case you should try the exorcists. Both Christian ones and bomohs will do. Don't go to Chinese ones because they won't understand your pretend-Angmoh patois. Don't use French even if the voices in your head speak it because you only pretend you can speak French, recently I whacked you stupid over that on this site, remember?
Depending on how fcuked-up you are, you can or cannot be saved. Going by the number of decades you've been a raving lunatic, I would say you are too much lost to Satan to have Jesus save your rotten soul, Amen. You are too full of serious disabling and destructive Yang aggression, hate, bitterness, vindictiveness, and all other rot and decay, 'afraid you're jolly damn finished, bringing up anything "Christian" ain’t gonna save your leathery hide, nor fool anyone sane..!
You are a jealous syphilitic idiot taking advantage of our distinguished Host's tolerance of FREE SPEECH to bully and abuse innocents like me. Forgot ? You stared first by saying, ' Son, your comment is warped '.Who wants to be your syphilitic son, idiot ?
You've raised a very immportant issue in your comment. I have always upheld the view that Malaysia's laws are impossible to uphold or refer to when prosecuting a person bfore the courts. Why? None of their laws are current and as I have pointed out. clear, unambiguous or understandable by anyone except Malaysian lawyers and judges.
Unlike the practice of Medicine where common ailments occur commonly, the practice of the Laws are difficult because every case concerns a different human problem. Therefore, all countries except Malaysia put great store in the Ministry of Law and the up-dating of all Laws. In Malaysia for some strange reasons, no one cares about updating the Laws since 1981 including the Prime Ministers !
"Unlike the practice of Medicine where common ailments occur commonly, the practice of the Laws are difficult because every case concerns a different human problem."
My Corn Can, you obviously don't get your rambling lunatic bull manure, do you?
You are only rabbiting away because there is the compulsion in raving schizophrenics and maniacal delusional narcissists to pretend you are "in touch" with the sane world, "eloquent" and know all plus everything and more.
"common ailments occur commonly" is a redundant gem, "common ailments" do and should occur "commonly". How otherwise is "common" "common"? When it is a not common "common"?!
About "the practice of the Laws are difficult", that's an incredibly moronic line that would mark you out as some lunatic entity utterly ignorant of the Law.
Firstly there is only "the Law". You like to flaunt your weird Manglish of the colourful colonial Sambo servile slave wallahs and pontificate over others.
Unknown to you the glorified colonial peasant class, your "Queen's English" is actually the tongue of the pronvicial middle class - or even the English peasantry, good old Jethro Tull, maybe Tollpuddle and all that. The upper and real middle class don't want nuffin' to do with them foreign parts, even looked down on those who 'Ave been there and done that, ask Stamford Raffles who was seen as an upstart and despised even when he did much for fcuking Blighty as those in your clan of colonial Sambos monkeys did!
Your Manglish reads every bit freaking Hinglish, I bet you were schooled by them char-- and panka-wallahs when provincial English transited that famous dump called India. There's only "the practice of the Law" and never "practice of the Laws" ya blooming oik! See if you ever work this one out, Sunshine, then come back and pretend you're half a fcuking pisang!
So what is "Unlike the practice of Medicine where common ailments occur commonly, the practice of the Laws are difficult because every case concerns a different human problem." then?
You mean to say patients all only have the same problems because Big Pharmacy sez so, one drug cures all?
Or only lawyers have clients with "different human problems"?!
How long were you practising quackery?
And how fast were you struck off your own medical register or arrested for posing as one of those delightful lunatics wandering around hospitals fully dressed to do advanced surgery?
In other words, are you still lurking around hospitals, scalpel in both hands and still evading those men in white coats, Florence Nightingale, Dr Who, and Dr No work in the next offices?!
QUACK MEDICINE ? I was one of the few who took the Cambridge University Open Entrance Examinations competing against the best of the United Kingdom. I passed in 9 months with 100 marks in each 4 subjects and went up to the best College. Your Singapore hero, my brother-in-law, Lee Kuan Yew entered the bottom-most House, Fitzwilliam established for wayward members of the Royals and Clergy. He was over-aged at 23, no Latin or Greek. did not take the Cambridge University Open Entrance. He had TOP marks but returned to implement dubious Policies to down Malaysia from the 1962 Water Agreement, the MSA free software, rigging the Stock Exchange, KTM assets, HSR RM 300 million compensation, Pulau Batu Putih, CPTPP/TPPA, TNB, free rocks, water, sand and timber, and many more. He was honest but practiced nepotism. What do you know, jealous idiot ? From 1921-2015, FIFTEEN members of my Family went up to Cambridge ! What do you know, jealous idiot !
Spare us your glorious bull manure, you've said all that more than twice here and all your bankrupt's money all over other forums.
Things is, even with all your supposed minor "achievements" you've long long since turned into a raving schizophrenic and maniacal delusional narcissist.
And a bleeding bomoh quack to boot!
Can happen to any and all, but you are the one and only special kind, a stark raving phreaking schizophrenic and maniacal delusional narcissist, sez the same things five times a day, and repeat the same old same all all over again..!
If your admiring audience don't get to hear you brag just now, they will surely get an exceeded daily dosage of your same old same old crap in a couple hours, and repeated all the time as directed by the voices in your midget head on a blimp-sized lard barrel, Praise Be!
Imagine ! One Minister Of Law, PH Government 2018-2020 said that the Amended Bankruptcy Act 2018 was updated . In fact it was only amended to free guarantors from their obligations.! He promptly died after making such a remark. One Minister of Law in the PMO after another just did nothing to alleviate the sufferings of the disadvantaged. In fact, one of them from Sarawak, her only contribution as a Minister of Law was the fact that she looked presentable. She is still around after decades in the Government ! OMG !
How many of us are aware the genesis of these GLCs which no democratic Western nation will permit ? It all began in 1968 in the Jurong Industrial Park. Singaporean traders were encouraged to set up factories which failed by 1970. Names like Fair Lady Hair Wigs, Regency Hair Wigs, Starlite Ceramics, Eupoc, my latest Swiss biscuit factory etc because the mentality of a trader was unlike that of an industrialist and the was no market I was there and noted the Singapore Government was very keen to provide employment for the Malays. With the collapse of private Singaporean enterprise in Jurong, the advice of UN economics expert Dr Albert Winsemius, a Dutchman and Adviser to the Singapore Government 1962-1984 was accepted to turn Singapore Government monopolies into Public entities like SIA, NOL, UIC, DBS, Keppel, Sembawang, Far East Levingston, Asian Dollar etc.. By the early 1980s, all were profitable because these were monopolies. Lee Kuan Yew coined the words Government linked corporations or GLCs. In 1982, Deng Xiao Ping dropped by Singapore and thought he had found the perfect solution to part transform a Communist economy into a Capitalist economy. He said,' We will do better than them !' Russia followed suit. Little were they aware that it was difficult to control the digits as Russia and China were vast lands. Soon 100 Chinese were on the run from GLCs for corruption. Both countries toned down their enthusiasm for GLCs. Under Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore a tiny place was controlled firmly by him. A phone call would reveal all ! Even the Singapore GLC Keppel is alleged to be in corruption in Brazil. ! As for Malaysia, my 1972 Concept to capture Sime Darby PLC to fast track the Malays into big business was supported by the PM Tun Abdul Razak and YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Vide Far East Economic Review 1975. The first GLC in the World. Tun Abdul Razak's intention was to pull Malaysia up a tier by the further capture of British light engineering entities and more. Unfortunately, Tun Abdul Razak died young. After 1981, Sime Darby was turned into a fine trading British like trading house with no risk but only to sell goods for other countries. From the excesses of the Sime Darby Malaysian Management 1982-2010, copy cats were a'plenty. Over 1,800 GLCs had to be closed down as a former Minister of Finance told me recently. I reckon today, there are still over 300 GLCs remained. In the World, only authoritarian Russia, China, Singapore and DEMOCRATIC MALAYSIA have GLCs. Democratic Western countries forbid these corruptible institutions with Governments involved in business !
THE GLCs WILL KILL US ALL IN MALAYSIA AS NONE MAKE MONEY MANAGED BY AMATEURS WHO ARE NOT THE OWNERS AND ALL OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT'S OFFICIAL DEBT AND BUDGET ! The money locked up in the GLCs is unproductive in Private Sector terms by occupying a 'GLC' requirement' space in Malaysia's financial institutions GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT !
huge space in the financial institution as well !
Mr Corn Can, you are back with your blazing schizophrenic finest and narcissistic delusion of grandeur bragging and bullshitting away with your fake news!
Go easy on manufacturing your amazing pile of embellished bullock manure, it is completely deranged!
For a start, you are citing a myth that
" In 1982, Deng Xiao Ping dropped by Singapore and thought he had found the perfect solution to part transform a Communist economy into a Capitalist economy. He said,' We will do better than them !'"
The myth was partly invented by a self-serving Singapore and beloved by the West - until China flew off with it's achievements and started gutting the West - and Singapore too.
Today Singapore is an embarrassing arse-kisser of China, and waiting in panic for China to cut a canal across Thailand.
I'll deal with the rest later, but your making yourself up as some kind of "enlightened illuminary" advising Lee Kuan Yew and everyone else in your pile of bullock manure is classic runaway all-guns blazing full-blown schizophrenia and gasket-exploding delusional narcissism!
Still, I remember Deng Xiao Ping calling on you, you as a hybrid banana creature let out of the cuckoo's nest for the day and serving Hainanese chicken rice at the Raffles couldn't understand anything of Uncle Deng's Sichuan accent because as a pretend Angmoh you can't understand any Chinese anyway..!
Blankety Blank ! Your vulgarity and jealousy stink high heavens !. Go back to Singapore and stay there, idiot !
Told you I can't be jealous of anyone like you who are such a blazing schizophrenic and maniacally deluded narcissist who has the fantasy that every politician and the whole freaking country should have listened to your mad rants from the cuckoo's nest - or your Hakka detention paradise where your loyal Hakka amah "wives" protect you from being spat on.
And being, as a perpetual bankrupt, grabbed by your admiring creditors.
Btw, "vulgarity and jealousy stink high heavens" can't happen. They don't smell "high... low... or middle heavens" or anywhere else, including your next stop Hell.
It's just your raving schizophrenia and maniacal delusional narcissism, and those voices in your midget head that tell you you are such a great wonder who nose everything!
Nose everything, geddit?!
I am trained not to hate anyone unlike you, jealous idiot !. I have always given during my Life-time . I never ask for favours, titles or money which I am not interested. Jealous idiot, would you give away your father's mansion with 13 acres in which you were born, the biggest in the Straits Settlements to be the FIRST ISTANA NEGARA MALAYSIA 1957-2010, in the National Interest in 1957 ? It is obvious you have no frontal lobes ! Never ask what you can get from my country. but only give what you can to my country ! By the way, I am a CONSTITUTIONALIST never a COMMUNALIST since 1954 ! Gud-day, jealous idiot
"I am trained not to hate anyone unlike you.."
Unlike a wild animal like you, I don't need to go to kennel school to be "trained" , my qualities are all naturally in me. I can imagine your whisperer had hell trying to get you to be at least a half human.
About that yarn about your "generosity", no well-schooled Chinese would give something away with the sneaky lowdown intention of reaping max benefit from the "donation".
When you give something away, that's that, the "gift" is no longer something that still belongs to you. It would make the new owner embarrassed if you keep bragging about your fake generosity to him when you forever advertise you are such a great creature. Pushing yer luck may get your recipient to want to shove your "donation" up your rear tunnel!
Since you are a hybrid Chinese, a banana, you won't know about any Chinese etiquette. And since you are a fake Angmoh from the colonial species of running dogs, you won't know anything about how not to be anything than know your lowly place, wag your tail and lick your massahs' butts.
After your Angmoh massahs left Malaya, you buncha bananas tried selling yourselves and ingratiate yourselves (crawl) to Malaya. Unfortunately for you and fortunately for Malaya no one was the least bit interested in your clan of running dogs. And in spite of you trying too hard all the time to make yourself famous, no one has ever given you a shiite to this day.
As a raving schizophrenic and a maniacal delusional narcissist you are your one and only fan. You generate the hot air of your publicity for yourself to consume yourself!
"By the way, I am a Constitutionalism blah blah blah.."
You are into your me me me and myself again, I could care less about your self-advertising, you eat insects, or sleep with a corpse... Give yourself a break, go easy on your mental illness, spread your incessant bullshit and self-promotion thin and give your non-existent fans an easier time throwing up!
You have not produced one iota of your achievement in your syphilitic diseased Life. I feel sorry for you, idiot and your Family.
Stop your vindictiveness against me jealous syphilitic idiot from 88 Geylang Singapore. Remember your arrogance and pomposity, diseased idiot's remark. You said, 'Son, your comment is warped.' You do not respect our distinguished Host of this Blog. You impolitely interfered the rights of my comments which did not mention you or anyone else. Your diseased syphilitic mind is out of control. I pity your Family !
Jealous idiot. Your suppression of my comments which are non-personal, factual, fair and just in the National Interest shows your are UNDEMCRATIC and given to BULLY others who disagree with you Syphiltic Idiot ! Using the Net to display your diseased mental inaptitude to all. I have met many insane and jealous types like you in the Net who always hide behind fake names. You are permitted to exist here because of FREE SPEECH which you ABUSE . Jealous idiot ! You want my CV. Just send me your real email address. Save you time finding my Achilles ankle to take revenge ! I have none. Sorry ! Your acts show how very MAD and CRAZY you are as a jealous idiot. Wanting to kill others via the Net ! To make you more jealous, idiot ! I AM EXCEEDINGLY HAPPY. You are really MAD AND CRAZY. I pity your FAMILY if you have any !
You are the jealous Blankety Blank Idiotic son of a 16th Century syphilitic Portuguese sailor .! YOU ARROGANTLY STARTED THIS ALTERCATION FIRST. Remember what you said, ' Son, your comment is warped.' You disregarded our distinguished host here and continued with your inborn vulgarity. Using his platform to attack others without a cause. whose comments NEVER mention you because you DO NOT EXIST IDIOT ! Go back to 88 Geylang Singapore where you were born !
At the heart of all problems with government in Malaysia is the way in which legislation is drafted in Malaysia.
For most countries in the commonwealth and in common law countries there is a guide to drafting legislation which drafters rely on to perfect drafting of legislation. Not so in Malaysia it seems. The absurdity of poor sub standard legislative drafting and the impact of its vagueness and ambiguity is evident in the specific example re printed in this article.
That one page taken from a piece of legislation and published here in this article demonstrates the point. It is pregnant with potential for mischief for its lack of clarity or purpose. The grammar is shocking considering it may have been the handiwork of lawyers. A lawyers skills lie in their ability to articulate and express points of law, orally, in writing and in clear languge. There are more than half a dozen errors of drafting which renders the legislation in this regard otiose and redundant.
Perhaps critics of the legislation and the Penang government ought to familiarise themselves with defects in the law and legislation first before commenting critically or adversley on the government or the legislation.
This may well be the case of 3 blind men in a room with an elephant trying to guess what an elephant is by merely feeling its body parts.
Further, I know of one country in which the laws could be updated right in the Court ! I was the Plaintiff. I lost !
You would lose.
Through entirely your own effort.
It's not your day in court, plaintiff, plain stupid, or defendant.
A lawyer worth his belacan would spot your mental illness as a freaking stark raving schizophrenic and manic delusional narcissist, and capitalise on your delibitating illness.
You’ll rabbit endlessly bragging and bullshitting away about you you and yourself, and piss off the judge who would rightly rule against you just to get your ugly obese presence out of his face.
Not to forget you are also a perpetual bankrupt and if the case involves money, the judge would see you in bad light right away.
About that "I lost !", you would. You are jinxed as a permanent bankrupt. In other words, a freaking loser. What would you expect, an audience desperate for your gigantic load of flying bullshit?!
You are just a jealous idiot who takes advantage behind a fake name of our distinguished Host's tolerance, TO SUPPRESS AND THE FREE COMMENTS OF OTHERS BY BULLYING AND ABUSE OPENLY. You are a bl...dy coward to do this, idiot!
"behind a fake name"
Mr Corn Can, you mean your name stolen from a can of corn is real?
And, are you trying "SUPPRESS AND THE FREE COMMENTS OF OTHERS " here by your drama pretending you are a fragile flower "victim" of my comments?
If you can't take the heat fcuk off from the kitchen.
And, try to grow up, narcissists have serious problems with their inability to mature.
Sir, Unlike the UK, Australia, New Zealand Singapore and Hong Kong, at least 3 important Acts were never brought up to date being the Companies Act 1965, Bankruptcy Act 1967. the Trustees Act !949 ! These are essential Laws for the good governance of commerce, family and other interests. Malaysia had a Prime Minister with a Minister of Laws for 22 years and more. And a Bar Council with over 30,000 members. Not a squeak from anyone on updating the Laws like other countries. OMG !
"and other interests"
You are incredibly moronic and know next to nothing about law and how the world works.
To make it worse, schizophrenics and extreme narcissists are incredibly fixed-minded, inflexible, and thick. Only an entity dead in the mind would want the law clear and have fixed interpretations. If so, we should expect a lot of lawyers to be unemployed - especially the majority of our lawyers from the plantations.
To make law profitable the "interests" want as many lawyers, as many arguments, as many interpretations, and as many days in court as possible.
To make it clearer, psychiatrists love lunatics like you. For without you around to say and do the insane, they'll be less work for them to analyse and argue whether you have the one mental affliction or two. Or more. And the more personalities you have, and the more voices you hear, the more dangerous you are, the better.
Malaysians love playing lawyers and masterbating legal texts thinking it's just a matter of reading Manglish. Unless you have the (very) few good lawyers among your friends to interpret any law in a thousand ways, and twist anything around and about, it is not safe to handle any reading of any legal text by yourself (even as a lawyer!)
Mr Corn Can, I won't count law as anything you are versed in. Err in fact I won't count anything at all you are versed in. Your delusional imagination, worse still your mental illness makes you think you are the last word in any subject. If you are sane, you'll know you ain't.
Your jealousy of my success knows no bounds. Obviously you are a Satan, not a Christian ! Go back to Singapore, vulgar idiot !
Mr Corn Can, how can any sane person be "jealous" of a stark raving lunatic?!
That's only possible in the cuckoo's nest where your admiring fans think they are Jesus H Christ, Mary Magdalene, all the Pope's, Kuan In, Kuan Out, Uncle Mo, Vishnu, Krishna, Hang Tuah, Genghiz Khan, I ran Khan, Attila the Hun, among many other celebrities.
"Obviously you are a Satan, not a Christian !"
Obviously you are a pretend Chinese, a pretend Angmoh arse-smooching banana entity who can only think immaturely in black and white - which is also a huge problem with schizophrenics and extreme delusional narcissism.
If you know anything Chinese than Hakka Yong Tau Fu and Hainanese chicken rice, you should know Yin and Yang makes a whole, Satan and Jesus one and same.
Obviously being "Christian" doesn't do anything for you, your mad mind fantasises you are "Christian". While, in reality, you are a real Satan.
But take heart, Satan is also Jesus, you'll just have to fight yourself, fight the battle to get Satan and the devils and demons out of the inside of you.
Be warned, there are those holy ones (and psychiatrists) who say blazing schizophrenics and extreme delusional narcissists can't be saved. You probably make the status of those who can't be saved.
In that case you should try the exorcists. Both Christian ones and bomohs will do. Don't go to Chinese ones because they won't understand your pretend-Angmoh patois. Don't use French even if the voices in your head speak it because you only pretend you can speak French, recently I whacked you stupid over that on this site, remember?
Depending on how fcuked-up you are, you can or cannot be saved. Going by the number of decades you've been a raving lunatic, I would say you are too much lost to Satan to have Jesus save your rotten soul, Amen. You are too full of serious disabling and destructive Yang aggression, hate, bitterness, vindictiveness, and all other rot and decay, 'afraid you're jolly damn finished, bringing up anything "Christian" ain’t gonna save your leathery hide, nor fool anyone sane..!
Jealous idiot. You see your Father Confessor everyday ?
I don't see any " Father Confessor" any day.
Or "Mother Confessor"
Or any fcuking "Confessor".
I am not fcuking Catholic.
And no damn moron which any religion lay guilt on.
While their priests bugger little children.
You must be blessed by those types when you take your backside to holy confessions, yer lucky sod! Blessed are the meek and all that..!
You are a jealous syphilitic idiot taking advantage of our distinguished Host's tolerance of FREE SPEECH to bully and abuse innocents like me. Forgot ? You stared first by saying, ' Son, your comment is warped '.Who wants to be your syphilitic son, idiot ?
You've raised a very immportant issue in your comment. I have always upheld the view that Malaysia's laws are impossible to uphold or refer to when prosecuting a person bfore the courts. Why? None of their laws are current and as I have pointed out. clear, unambiguous or understandable by anyone except Malaysian lawyers and judges.
Unlike the practice of Medicine where common ailments occur commonly, the practice of the Laws are difficult because every case concerns a different human problem. Therefore, all countries except Malaysia put great store in the Ministry of Law and the up-dating of all Laws. In Malaysia for some strange reasons, no one cares about updating the Laws since 1981 including the Prime Ministers !
"Unlike the practice of Medicine where common ailments occur commonly, the practice of the Laws are difficult because every case concerns a different human problem."
You do quack medicine too?!
My Corn Can, you obviously don't get your rambling lunatic bull manure, do you?
You are only rabbiting away because there is the compulsion in raving schizophrenics and maniacal delusional narcissists to pretend you are "in touch" with the sane world, "eloquent" and know all plus everything and more.
"common ailments occur commonly" is a redundant gem, "common ailments" do and should occur "commonly". How otherwise is "common" "common"? When it is a not common "common"?!
About "the practice of the Laws are difficult", that's an incredibly moronic line that would mark you out as some lunatic entity utterly ignorant of the Law.
Firstly there is only "the Law". You like to flaunt your weird Manglish of the colourful colonial Sambo servile slave wallahs and pontificate over others.
Unknown to you the glorified colonial peasant class, your "Queen's English" is actually the tongue of the pronvicial middle class - or even the English peasantry, good old Jethro Tull, maybe Tollpuddle and all that. The upper and real middle class don't want nuffin' to do with them foreign parts, even looked down on those who 'Ave been there and done that, ask Stamford Raffles who was seen as an upstart and despised even when he did much for fcuking Blighty as those in your clan of colonial Sambos monkeys did!
Your Manglish reads every bit freaking Hinglish, I bet you were schooled by them char-- and panka-wallahs when provincial English transited that famous dump called India. There's only "the practice of the Law" and never "practice of the Laws" ya blooming oik! See if you ever work this one out, Sunshine, then come back and pretend you're half a fcuking pisang!
So what is "Unlike the practice of Medicine where common ailments occur commonly, the practice of the Laws are difficult because every case concerns a different human problem." then?
You mean to say patients all only have the same problems because Big Pharmacy sez so, one drug cures all?
Or only lawyers have clients with "different human problems"?!
How long were you practising quackery?
And how fast were you struck off your own medical register or arrested for posing as one of those delightful lunatics wandering around hospitals fully dressed to do advanced surgery?
In other words, are you still lurking around hospitals, scalpel in both hands and still evading those men in white coats, Florence Nightingale, Dr Who, and Dr No work in the next offices?!
QUACK MEDICINE ? I was one of the few who took the Cambridge University Open Entrance Examinations competing against the best of the United Kingdom. I passed in 9 months with 100 marks in each 4 subjects and went up to the best College. Your Singapore hero, my brother-in-law, Lee Kuan Yew entered the bottom-most House, Fitzwilliam established for wayward members of the Royals and Clergy. He was over-aged at 23, no Latin or Greek. did not take the Cambridge University Open Entrance. He had TOP marks but returned to implement dubious Policies to down Malaysia from the 1962 Water Agreement, the MSA free software, rigging the Stock Exchange, KTM assets, HSR RM 300 million compensation, Pulau Batu Putih, CPTPP/TPPA, TNB, free rocks, water, sand and timber, and many more. He was honest but practiced nepotism. What do you know, jealous idiot ? From 1921-2015, FIFTEEN members of my Family went up to Cambridge ! What do you know, jealous idiot !
Spare us your glorious bull manure, you've said all that more than twice here and all your bankrupt's money all over other forums.
Things is, even with all your supposed minor "achievements" you've long long since turned into a raving schizophrenic and maniacal delusional narcissist.
And a bleeding bomoh quack to boot!
Can happen to any and all, but you are the one and only special kind, a stark raving phreaking schizophrenic and maniacal delusional narcissist, sez the same things five times a day, and repeat the same old same all all over again..!
If your admiring audience don't get to hear you brag just now, they will surely get an exceeded daily dosage of your same old same old crap in a couple hours, and repeated all the time as directed by the voices in your midget head on a blimp-sized lard barrel, Praise Be!
Imagine ! One Minister Of Law, PH Government 2018-2020 said that the Amended Bankruptcy Act 2018 was updated . In fact it was only amended to free guarantors from their obligations.! He promptly died after making such a remark. One Minister of Law in the PMO after another just did nothing to alleviate the sufferings of the disadvantaged. In fact, one of them from Sarawak, her only contribution as a Minister of Law was the fact that she looked presentable. She is still around after decades in the Government ! OMG !
"In fact, one of them from Sarawak, her only contribution as a Minister of Law was the fact that she looked presentable."
Name her.
Then name the others.
In law you can't condemn anyone unless you name them and state their crime/s.
Otherwise, your conduct is unbecoming like you are some old bitch slagging the world away in some women's loo.
And you are, Bitch!
Idiot coward ! Show us your name too !
I didn't mention my name or my office.
You bitch about the whatever entity and her office.
And you are hiding inside a can of corn, Ho ho Ho..!
Jealous idiot ! Your vulgarity betrays your very LOW CLASS background !
Upper and middle class English massahs of yours are very "vulgar" if you ever met them.
But they would only think you as vulgar peasant treat you as cheap tool to serve Empire.
Quite rightly too, you cheap colonial oik tosser!