still waiting for Murray hunter to show a single piece of objective analysis and data to back up claims other than his gut and his hunch.

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His guts and hunch could be right.

PH coalition may implode soon. If we analyse objectively and using current data, we can see :

1. Mca,mic and pbrs are going to leave BN next month.

2. mp of simpang renggam,sembrong,bera,puncak borneo and pasir gudang may vacate their seats for by election next week.

3. If this happens, grs and warisan will not stay as ph coalition member.

4. Gps will not support PH without BN and grs.

The political landscape in malaysia maybe more scenic soon.🙂

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The blind will continue to lead the blind, the fool will continue to rule the fools, the ignorance will remain in the dark unless something drastic happen. The vicious destructive cycle of repeating the same blunders and mistakes of the past government unthinking policies will continue, who cares about this failed nation as long as the politicians and civil servants get their pays and due in time.

(Arthur Schopenhauer Feb 22, 1788-Sept 21 1860) said :

"The majority of men... are not capable of thinking, but only of believing, and... are not accessible to reason, but only to authority."

The collective sins of this nation can be expressed by these two quotations fairly accurately :

First “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

― Alvin Toffler (4 Oct 1928- 27 June 2016)


He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Sir William Drummond (26 Sept 1769-29 March 1828)

The long awaited prime minister in the waiting is still conducting himself as if he is still not capable of exercising leadership after taking office for the last seven months.

What is holding him back? Lack of wisdom as to what to do? Too many conflicting views and prospective implications in every decision awaiting his resolute decisive action? No vision nor heart to execute his election manifesto? What Anwar wanted was to be prime minister, now that he is already PM, his dream has come through and he is being paid and given the position as the head of the nation? Dream has come through and time to enjoy honey moon.

The reality is powerfully worded by :

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones. ”

― Niccolò Machiavelli( 3 May 1469 -June 21, 1527)

Anwar inherited a failed nation infested with a collapsing educational legacy where the passing marks for SPM is 20% score. pandemic corruption, extraordinary excessive number civil servants on government payroll. Political infighting and pursuing position and privileges instead of taking bull by the horns to solve the nation's crisis and inherited disaster.

The road to recovery is long and laborious , but still can be done with vision and enduring patience.

There is a solution available. It is simple but not easy.

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." Lao Tzu

The way to go is to start the activation of prenatal investment education for all. If the last four decades the previous many government in power had started the new science and art of this effective parenting skill, today we would have lived and enjoyed a nation full of talent in human resource for nation building. Failure to do so have resulted in a nation full of under and unemployable graduates, directionless economy, emotionally bankruptcy and perennial infighting among politicians instead of constructive useful working together for building a nation.

Prenatal investment as I have so many occasions expressed it in different platform is investing in the class room of the womb. After conception before delivery of the unborn.

The latest known child prodigy is the Elon Musk's 14 years old software engineer working for him at Space -x Starlink. How did this boy learn what make him what he is mentally, intellectually if NOT from the womb?

Anwar may never have the privilege or honor of seeing his pioneering work in full bloom many years down the road, but he will be cherished and remembered as having the vision to apply it.

For a small start he must use his influence, position and power or authority vested with him as the head of a nation to promote and motivate the whole population to read " The secret life of an inborn child" by Thomas Verny. or get me at jordan9tan@yahoo.com

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DAP need to be less corrupt and Amanah need to be more independent of DAP for their wellbeing.

BN need to change it's court cluster Chairman and get back mic,mca and pbrs onboard.

GPS and GRS should not depend on BN to stay in PH coalition and PH should pledge not to contest for any seats in next sarawak state election.

If not, let PAS lead the nation. They are rightly guided.

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The country should ban alll racial and religious political parties.

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You don't offer any evidence or facts to back your arguments, do you? It's one guesswork after the the other. Tiresome.

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Anwar for all his faults and past mistakes has hit paydirt by legitimising PAS and giving it respectability a Eurocentric country as Malaysia has become. He rode the dragon, was bitten and burned till his time had come. And whether by default or stroke of luck he was handed the reins of power the last changing of the guard in parliament.

Armed the cudgels of a liberal anti Muslim coalition who sang panegyrics for him for decades he has now turned to his faithful steed, the horse of Islam. Anwar it seems now can do no wrong.

Whilst the high achieving Mahathir has never ceased to denigrated the Malay Muslims when comparing their performance to the avaricious and often economically successful Chinese whose successes are driven by their pursuit of money at any cost (most of it illegan through bribery, criminal activity and corruption), Anwar has been driven by the single minded pursuit of preserving Malaysia's and the Malays identity of Malay and Muslim.

In hiss Islamization of Malaysia in gradual steps, he has silenced and rendered impotent, the pseudo Christian, Anglo American bible belt amongst the Indians and Chinese, the political eunuchs of the self destructive Hindraf movement and the Sino Christians of the Selangor based Bersih and Hannah Yeoh types. They can't complain about his new direction. They created and fed the monster who now demands a Muslim morality to national politics.

The Malay revisionist middle classes too are feeling the cold sword of Islam on the back of their necks with Anwar's new mantra. And there is no turning back. The tethers on the bucking horse of PAS and other Muslim political organizations appear headed for a victory over any foreseen resistance by liberals. Even if Anwar is removed, arrested and thrown back in jail for whatever reason, the tiger of Islam has tasted blood and will never ever be caged again.

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could not have been written better by sam hunting or Bernard lewis. Edward said would be rolling in his grave. Malaysians minds are thoroughly colonized whether muslim or non.

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A very superficial and speculative analysis.

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Try to better it then

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When anwar was released from prison in 2004, he wanted to rejoin umno. Pkr had 1 seat then and umno had 88 seats.

Since umno under paklah rejected him, he had to 'kill' umno. In that process, he strengthened and nourished pas to what it is today whereby umno is left with only 20 seats in semenanjung and pas 43 seats in parliament today.

He has also strengthened bersatu to 30 seats and weakened his own pkr from 46 to 31 seats.

Dap is the clear winner as their proxy islamic malay party, Amanah carries 8 seats.

Is anwar validating PAS? fool me once,shame on you.fool me twice,shame on me says Hadi.

Trying to rebrand himself as the tiger of islam is the best way for him to gain back the malay support.

Then again,there is that lion king. I think he is back from sarajevo🦁😀

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Unity govt was not by choice, but as dictated by circumstances to ensure the stability of the nation. It brought together parties with disparate interests. It is not a PH govt by Anwar and has only been in power for about six months, which in itself is a miracle. This Unity govt is over-saddled with debts and serious issues inherited from previous govts. To run it down ,as Hunter in prone to do , is premature and lacks substance. Look at the context and circumstances before dishing out criticisms. Otherwise, you sound hollow.

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A government is not its prime minister alone. It consists of "ministers" elected members of parliament who were elected by their constituents by choice. That's an act of choice. An expression of choice. This is the first mistake many who comment on government make. As a matter of fact if it must be known, even members of the opposition in parliament are "ministers" of the crown.

Therefore when Anwar Ibrahim was sworn in as Prime Minister the circumstances of his being sworn in (a formality) was no different to when Dr. Mahathir was sworn in or DS Najib was sworn into office by the King. Their ascension to that hallowed office as PM was as much a product of 'circumstances' as well.

As for the disparity of interests no two parliamentarians have identical interests and obligations, aspirations or ambitions whether it be for their constituents, the country or their own careers as politicians. What brings them together is the party's proclaimed objectives for the nation. Their policies. Even under a dictatorship there are differing views and perspectives that are either concealed from public view or come to the fore in the end.

Anwar is as legitimate as Ted Heath or Harrold Wilson were when they had no majority in parliament. Understanding the constitution (which neither ambiga, Tommy Thomas nor th late lame duck Gopal Sri Ram- self proclaimed constitutional experts) is a serious defect or deficiency amongst Malaysia's lawyers and judges.. It is a driver of the confusion and instability in government and in the courts +in Malaysia.

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Winston churchill policy was WAR. His aim? VICTORY. losing is not an option. It is a matter of SURVIVAL.

How? Whats the action plan PMX?

Here's some cadangan 👇

1.sell oil n gas upfront via forward contract for extra cash rgt100bil

2.increase petronas production and achieve profit of rgt 1bil a day instead of only half of it today

3.push SME to increase it to 80% of gdp instead of current 40%

4.refinance cost of loan to rgt10bil this year and extend term of payment

5.subsidise but target correctly and this can be reduced to rgt40bil

6.civil servants and expenditures reduce that to 50bil. no more trips,stop scholarships for awhile.

7.development expenditure..reduce that to rgt 20bil and allocate rgt 5bil for peduli rakyat program in poor states.use local majlis fix deposits.

8.get all states to implement digital economy and let infra be paid by private sector. This is huge.


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