Wonderful recommendations, a million and one things for the next competent PM, if there will be one most likely not, to even consider his (or her) political suicide to attempt the impossible. I think the goose is cooked at this point or at least beyond saving I think, perhaps best to put it out of its misery and turn the heat up to the max so it may burn away its old life and hopefully rise again like a phoenix.
Malaysia must be ruled by malays. The chinese be represented but only as many as their population.
The chinese actually like it as it is because they control almost all the private sectore businesses as indicated by only 1 out of 97 plc are owned by malays.
The issue is malay unity. Once the old fellas are dead and gone, the new generation will focus more on wealth creation.
Theres online commerce,instagrams,tiktoks, generative ai and even education is ai based.
"...People and our children can then wake up each morning with excitement about what is happening in Malaysia and come onboard the journey."
That one sentence sums up the mood in Malaysia today. The excitement in the air after PMX was elected soon gave way to anger with the appointment of Zahid Hamidi as DPM and regularly giving up ground to singular religious viewpoints. Now the apparent powerlessness or incompetence of the PM to effect any kind of meaningful change is causing the "What next?" attitude among the rakyat.
And it's not that PMX is bad, it's just that there was so much more expected from him and he failed spectacularly. It's apparent that no real change will take place under the UG. And given what the rakyat have to look forward to once the UG fails has given way to an overwhelming sense of malaise.
Everyone is good at telling others what 'should' be done -- PMX has raised this to a true art form -- but no one is in a position to actually do anything.
What on earth is "truly Malaysian?". Do you mean onee with Chinese domination? Well that's already the case since independence where the Chinese dominate the economy. So let me see. Total dominance over the other races with Mandarin as national language and all signs and markers in Chinese as well?
"onee with Chinese domination" may work wonders, especially for the Malays. More and more Malay parents are sending their children to Chinese schools which excel in everything under the sun.
You parents should have shipped you to a Chinese school where firstly you stop your paranoid fear and bitching hysteria about any "domination" by anybody real or imagined.
Then your maths would vastly improve without padding of fake marks afford you by crap schools. You get the good grounding that would get you to progress to basic statistics and you'll finally understand demographics.
By demographics you learn about the number of Chinese (and others) in the population against those who breed like rabbits who would always dominate the country.
Now, since the Chinese do not fcuk like rabbits and fcuk indiscriminately or even incestuously, they can never dominate in any country. So there's no point or excuse using the Chinese as scapegoats to project wan's psychotic insecurities.
Talking about scapegoats, there are those in our amazing country who fcuk goats, some time last year a poor goat was fcuked to death and it was even in the news, wtf!
I would worry more about the goat/etc fcukers, incest artists, inbreds, rapists and children rapists than the Chinese.
Wonderful recommendations, a million and one things for the next competent PM, if there will be one most likely not, to even consider his (or her) political suicide to attempt the impossible. I think the goose is cooked at this point or at least beyond saving I think, perhaps best to put it out of its misery and turn the heat up to the max so it may burn away its old life and hopefully rise again like a phoenix.
Malaysia must be ruled by malays. The chinese be represented but only as many as their population.
The chinese actually like it as it is because they control almost all the private sectore businesses as indicated by only 1 out of 97 plc are owned by malays.
The issue is malay unity. Once the old fellas are dead and gone, the new generation will focus more on wealth creation.
Theres online commerce,instagrams,tiktoks, generative ai and even education is ai based.
"...People and our children can then wake up each morning with excitement about what is happening in Malaysia and come onboard the journey."
That one sentence sums up the mood in Malaysia today. The excitement in the air after PMX was elected soon gave way to anger with the appointment of Zahid Hamidi as DPM and regularly giving up ground to singular religious viewpoints. Now the apparent powerlessness or incompetence of the PM to effect any kind of meaningful change is causing the "What next?" attitude among the rakyat.
And it's not that PMX is bad, it's just that there was so much more expected from him and he failed spectacularly. It's apparent that no real change will take place under the UG. And given what the rakyat have to look forward to once the UG fails has given way to an overwhelming sense of malaise.
Everyone is good at telling others what 'should' be done -- PMX has raised this to a true art form -- but no one is in a position to actually do anything.
What on earth is "truly Malaysian?". Do you mean onee with Chinese domination? Well that's already the case since independence where the Chinese dominate the economy. So let me see. Total dominance over the other races with Mandarin as national language and all signs and markers in Chinese as well?
"onee with Chinese domination" may work wonders, especially for the Malays. More and more Malay parents are sending their children to Chinese schools which excel in everything under the sun.
You parents should have shipped you to a Chinese school where firstly you stop your paranoid fear and bitching hysteria about any "domination" by anybody real or imagined.
Then your maths would vastly improve without padding of fake marks afford you by crap schools. You get the good grounding that would get you to progress to basic statistics and you'll finally understand demographics.
By demographics you learn about the number of Chinese (and others) in the population against those who breed like rabbits who would always dominate the country.
Now, since the Chinese do not fcuk like rabbits and fcuk indiscriminately or even incestuously, they can never dominate in any country. So there's no point or excuse using the Chinese as scapegoats to project wan's psychotic insecurities.
Talking about scapegoats, there are those in our amazing country who fcuk goats, some time last year a poor goat was fcuked to death and it was even in the news, wtf!
I would worry more about the goat/etc fcukers, incest artists, inbreds, rapists and children rapists than the Chinese.