Bolehland wonders cannot be left alone for just a few minutes without them ambling into or creating some amazing mess. I was away for the weekend when I would stay off any news about anything Bolehland, and have some peace of mind. And guess what, as soon as I turn my back, something happens, and this time it's Pardonsgate!
But what is there to talk about now when we're supposed not to question anything, accept it all, and, like usual, suppose to forget it like the politicians advise.
Issues such as immorality, betrayal, etc though elusive, alien notions to most in Bolehland especially the politicians, can be painlessly absorbed through Anwar and the MacDani gomen's dispensation of sagely opportunistic wisdom.
The glorious enterprise of pardoning Ah Jib even appears fast-tracked as if there's nothing more urgent and important to do for Bolehland than forever coming up with lunatic antics for our permanent silly season. Are all our wacky ideas to distract from our politicians being utterly clueless about the economy - and everything else? What about corruption which is permanently on the agenda to talk of and do nothing about? Abuse of power, anyone?
Suddenly Anwar discovered Ah Jib's "contribution to the country" to justify special treatment for Ah Jib, which is apart from what most of the population saw as massive daylight plunder of the country.
Maybe Anwar has got a point about Ah Jib's "contribution", Anwar himself was spared the rod, he should have been handed over to Spanko to have his backside spanked for his supposed no-sin sin of backside bonking.
We can see for the controversial announcement of the non-pardon pardon, various distractions were staged. For instance,
many Hollywood style rounding up of huge numbers of foreigners with massive show of force by the police and the paramilitary should provide distraction for the latest of the typical bungled, half-assed, half-baked dumbass and dumbfcuk solution for the unusually urgent pardon issue for Ah Jib. It's always a safe bet to use foreigners/migrants as scapegoat to relieve the anger of those many among us with serious anger and hate issues.
The way out of the unbelievable mess of a fcuked-up cockup Pardonsgate should be "lessons be learned" even it is impossible Malaysians ever learn anything from anything, Malaysia is cursed with forever repeating the same mistakes due to most Bolehlanders being unable to learn anything or understand anything.
Since the non-pardon pardon is half-done without our morons knowing what should be done to lessen the blow caused to the sensibilities of the public, a proportion of which is raging and seething with anger, some things have to be half-done to placate these voters.
Here I propose that, rather than only politicians be entitled to privileges like discounts on prison terms, fines, etc, everyone should be entitled to the same privileges. Discount vouchers, codes, gifts and whatever else entitlements should be made freely and readily available without even bothering our Last Word.
The Pardons Board should be enlarged to become a ministry to deal with all the sins and crimes of all in the country from parking penalties to death penalties which can be commuted to make those convicted half-die with half-pardons. Those convicted should be hanged with half a rope. If ever we get the electric chair for capital punishment, those convicted should be microwaved with less electricity. Maybe they should also be given massage chairs for the cooking class for the electric chair.
The Pardons Ministry should be fully-staffed so that the mountains of convictions can be dealt with soon as the court cases end and those convicted can be given their discount vouchers right away. Bargains, promos, discounts, gifts, vouchers etc should be posted like for supermarkets, departmental stores and online outfits. Every Bolehland noddy should be given a book of discounts to be used as and when.
As there are in Bolehland usually high numbers of cases of rape, incest, and all sorts of sexual abuses, some even on animals, workloads for the prison and rehabilitation institutions and services can be greatly reduced too by the MacDani Answer to sins and crimes. Together with the reduction on prison sentences, there can be reduction of the number of strokes of the cane. To ease prosecution and court processes, the number of witnesses for, say, adultery, should be reduced to two men and four women, women are considered to have half the intelligence of men.
With an efficient Pardons Ministry we can even close the courts which are very expensive to run, and dispense with our comedian lawyers who are dangerous with the kinds of clowns we have in the judiciary and legal services, they are even unnecessary, since, whatever sentences are imposed by the courts, those cooking up pardons can overturn them.
Judges can be replaced by AI which can be more intelligent, more reliable and impartial, and our legions of plantation lawyers can be promoted to sit in the kopitiams to play Rumpoles of the Old Bailey, and LA Law for our own Bollywood, kopitiams, and online legal kelingniks and soapboxes. This is far better than you being hijacked by our unemployed and unemployable legal experts invariably reading off their first-year backstreet college textbooks and handouts, and the book on the law of evidence they sell their parents to loan from Marican the Mamak bookstore.
The improved Discount Route is the best half way out of the crisis of trust and confidence of the public for the MacDani half-baked Roti John gomen and institutions. It will make a lot of savings for our discounts-obsessed and discounts-driven public and will win over the kiasus and cheapskates of the land. And for the first time ever, our citizens can be properly educated, they can participate in the legal process, they can scour the papers religiously and attentively each morning for the discounts, Alhamdullilah!
For Ah Jib while he's got to sit through other court appearances to come, he could best spend his time in prison reading what Anwar claimed he did - "all the great books". There's nothing to show for Anwar's effort, it looks like he's not even read a page of anything. His last monumental speech was to tell the world Malaysia can be key in the "global ethical governance" - another pile of typical Anwar blazing bollocks. I hope Ah Jib can outdo Anwar by reading at least a few great books and not spend all his time at the prison's VVIP GOLF course.
With the Great MacDani Discount Scheme plus the extra discounts, promos and vouchers for the Chinese New Year, Fat Jho should find it worthwhile to get his own air tickets to come back to his other homeland since no politician or gomen is keen to get him to return. Without the whale in the courtroom we can never even have proper half-baked trials. And if he keeps hiding inside the Paris Hilton or wandering around the Arabian deserts he might even get assassinated, don't forget a hitman got at an auditor in Hong-Kong over a big Malaysian case. As with any case to do with Malaysia, we've never got to the bottom of it. Like the Mongolian woman, Teoh Beng Hock, and others.
I have to say the Dirty Arsewipes Party is again being devious with Pardonsgate like it was with helping Mamakthir to power. The treacherous DAP sent out words about "forgiving" the Snake Pharaoh then, severely attacked Ah Jib all along, now it is telling us to half-forgive Ah Jib, wtf! I strongly feel the DAP's next tokong should be Jho Low, that's that Low the Dirty Arsewipes Party should stoop to, wtf!
To start a winner for Bolehland, pardons should be made transferable and freely traded in a pardons stock exchange. Thus, a convicted wife-beater can buy his reduction for his crime from someone who doesn't want to use up his pardon for running over pedestrians with his antique Proton in our typical hit-and-run.
If I incur your displeasure over what I say, please do pardon me. But stick all those discount vouchers for any offence I honour you with up your rear end, thank you!
More is in store. We, the people, need to respond calmly and intelligently. Let spiritual insights, universal principles and conscience be our guide. Focus on self-sufficiency, small secure settlements in suitable locations in the countryside and growing a variety of organic food. Morality has no meaning for politicians.
This past week pardon charade was carefully planned and executed to end najibs political career. This remove him as a potential threat to anwar's hold on to power.
A full pardon would hv returned najib to preside over umno and take away 30 bn mps from pakatan harapan.this would have snowballed into sabah and sarawak withdrawing their support for ph.
Now that najib is no more in the picture, all that is left for anwar to do is to keep abg jo of sarawak happy (hence more oil and gas revenue for them), zahid to be completely acquitted and kitsiang loaded with power and money plus a complete control of penang, perak and selangor.
There are of course jobs for everyone in pkr including for the two short man, fahmi and rafizi. The agong is mere ceremonial hence not much effort will be put to keep him happy.Even if he isnt, it will not affect anwar's power.
The malays being 70% of the population must be kept divided and weak. Anwar will buy some of its weak leaders (such as the opposition mps) and those that cannot be bought, will be made to kill each other politically.
Najib feels empty and dissapointed. He got no one to talk to. He whispers to himself in Kajang.. What pardon?
The pardon is a little too little a little too late. It is insufficient for the damage done to a former PM of Malaysia. He was tried and convicted by the media, Regime Change, his political rivals and a nation that no longer observes the rule of law or its own constitution.
The prosecution failed to adequately discharge its burden of proof on the evidence. The accused DS Najib was denied a proper trial let alone the right to properly rebutt the allegations against him. C critical evidence leading to the money trail was withheld by the prosecution and assisted by a totally incompetent and inexperienced judge.
The failure to bring Jho Low into the trial as a witness compromised the integrity of the prosecution and the court. The same errors in the process of not calling the former governor of Bank Negara was also a deliberate decision by the court and the prosecution for fear their case would not just collapse in a smelly heap, it would embarrass them and give rise to criminal charges against the sentient minds behind the decision to charge DS Najib and his wife.
The former head of the FBI James Comey was discredited in his role as head of FBI as were his agents in California who as part of the NED spear headed this persecution of DS Najib.
Bolehland wonders cannot be left alone for just a few minutes without them ambling into or creating some amazing mess. I was away for the weekend when I would stay off any news about anything Bolehland, and have some peace of mind. And guess what, as soon as I turn my back, something happens, and this time it's Pardonsgate!
But what is there to talk about now when we're supposed not to question anything, accept it all, and, like usual, suppose to forget it like the politicians advise.
Issues such as immorality, betrayal, etc though elusive, alien notions to most in Bolehland especially the politicians, can be painlessly absorbed through Anwar and the MacDani gomen's dispensation of sagely opportunistic wisdom.
The glorious enterprise of pardoning Ah Jib even appears fast-tracked as if there's nothing more urgent and important to do for Bolehland than forever coming up with lunatic antics for our permanent silly season. Are all our wacky ideas to distract from our politicians being utterly clueless about the economy - and everything else? What about corruption which is permanently on the agenda to talk of and do nothing about? Abuse of power, anyone?
Suddenly Anwar discovered Ah Jib's "contribution to the country" to justify special treatment for Ah Jib, which is apart from what most of the population saw as massive daylight plunder of the country.
Maybe Anwar has got a point about Ah Jib's "contribution", Anwar himself was spared the rod, he should have been handed over to Spanko to have his backside spanked for his supposed no-sin sin of backside bonking.
We can see for the controversial announcement of the non-pardon pardon, various distractions were staged. For instance,
many Hollywood style rounding up of huge numbers of foreigners with massive show of force by the police and the paramilitary should provide distraction for the latest of the typical bungled, half-assed, half-baked dumbass and dumbfcuk solution for the unusually urgent pardon issue for Ah Jib. It's always a safe bet to use foreigners/migrants as scapegoat to relieve the anger of those many among us with serious anger and hate issues.
The way out of the unbelievable mess of a fcuked-up cockup Pardonsgate should be "lessons be learned" even it is impossible Malaysians ever learn anything from anything, Malaysia is cursed with forever repeating the same mistakes due to most Bolehlanders being unable to learn anything or understand anything.
Since the non-pardon pardon is half-done without our morons knowing what should be done to lessen the blow caused to the sensibilities of the public, a proportion of which is raging and seething with anger, some things have to be half-done to placate these voters.
Here I propose that, rather than only politicians be entitled to privileges like discounts on prison terms, fines, etc, everyone should be entitled to the same privileges. Discount vouchers, codes, gifts and whatever else entitlements should be made freely and readily available without even bothering our Last Word.
The Pardons Board should be enlarged to become a ministry to deal with all the sins and crimes of all in the country from parking penalties to death penalties which can be commuted to make those convicted half-die with half-pardons. Those convicted should be hanged with half a rope. If ever we get the electric chair for capital punishment, those convicted should be microwaved with less electricity. Maybe they should also be given massage chairs for the cooking class for the electric chair.
The Pardons Ministry should be fully-staffed so that the mountains of convictions can be dealt with soon as the court cases end and those convicted can be given their discount vouchers right away. Bargains, promos, discounts, gifts, vouchers etc should be posted like for supermarkets, departmental stores and online outfits. Every Bolehland noddy should be given a book of discounts to be used as and when.
As there are in Bolehland usually high numbers of cases of rape, incest, and all sorts of sexual abuses, some even on animals, workloads for the prison and rehabilitation institutions and services can be greatly reduced too by the MacDani Answer to sins and crimes. Together with the reduction on prison sentences, there can be reduction of the number of strokes of the cane. To ease prosecution and court processes, the number of witnesses for, say, adultery, should be reduced to two men and four women, women are considered to have half the intelligence of men.
With an efficient Pardons Ministry we can even close the courts which are very expensive to run, and dispense with our comedian lawyers who are dangerous with the kinds of clowns we have in the judiciary and legal services, they are even unnecessary, since, whatever sentences are imposed by the courts, those cooking up pardons can overturn them.
Judges can be replaced by AI which can be more intelligent, more reliable and impartial, and our legions of plantation lawyers can be promoted to sit in the kopitiams to play Rumpoles of the Old Bailey, and LA Law for our own Bollywood, kopitiams, and online legal kelingniks and soapboxes. This is far better than you being hijacked by our unemployed and unemployable legal experts invariably reading off their first-year backstreet college textbooks and handouts, and the book on the law of evidence they sell their parents to loan from Marican the Mamak bookstore.
The improved Discount Route is the best half way out of the crisis of trust and confidence of the public for the MacDani half-baked Roti John gomen and institutions. It will make a lot of savings for our discounts-obsessed and discounts-driven public and will win over the kiasus and cheapskates of the land. And for the first time ever, our citizens can be properly educated, they can participate in the legal process, they can scour the papers religiously and attentively each morning for the discounts, Alhamdullilah!
For Ah Jib while he's got to sit through other court appearances to come, he could best spend his time in prison reading what Anwar claimed he did - "all the great books". There's nothing to show for Anwar's effort, it looks like he's not even read a page of anything. His last monumental speech was to tell the world Malaysia can be key in the "global ethical governance" - another pile of typical Anwar blazing bollocks. I hope Ah Jib can outdo Anwar by reading at least a few great books and not spend all his time at the prison's VVIP GOLF course.
With the Great MacDani Discount Scheme plus the extra discounts, promos and vouchers for the Chinese New Year, Fat Jho should find it worthwhile to get his own air tickets to come back to his other homeland since no politician or gomen is keen to get him to return. Without the whale in the courtroom we can never even have proper half-baked trials. And if he keeps hiding inside the Paris Hilton or wandering around the Arabian deserts he might even get assassinated, don't forget a hitman got at an auditor in Hong-Kong over a big Malaysian case. As with any case to do with Malaysia, we've never got to the bottom of it. Like the Mongolian woman, Teoh Beng Hock, and others.
I have to say the Dirty Arsewipes Party is again being devious with Pardonsgate like it was with helping Mamakthir to power. The treacherous DAP sent out words about "forgiving" the Snake Pharaoh then, severely attacked Ah Jib all along, now it is telling us to half-forgive Ah Jib, wtf! I strongly feel the DAP's next tokong should be Jho Low, that's that Low the Dirty Arsewipes Party should stoop to, wtf!
To start a winner for Bolehland, pardons should be made transferable and freely traded in a pardons stock exchange. Thus, a convicted wife-beater can buy his reduction for his crime from someone who doesn't want to use up his pardon for running over pedestrians with his antique Proton in our typical hit-and-run.
If I incur your displeasure over what I say, please do pardon me. But stick all those discount vouchers for any offence I honour you with up your rear end, thank you!
More is in store. We, the people, need to respond calmly and intelligently. Let spiritual insights, universal principles and conscience be our guide. Focus on self-sufficiency, small secure settlements in suitable locations in the countryside and growing a variety of organic food. Morality has no meaning for politicians.
We have skeletons to pardon. We have even rites. We are fighting against acceptance.
This past week pardon charade was carefully planned and executed to end najibs political career. This remove him as a potential threat to anwar's hold on to power.
A full pardon would hv returned najib to preside over umno and take away 30 bn mps from pakatan harapan.this would have snowballed into sabah and sarawak withdrawing their support for ph.
Now that najib is no more in the picture, all that is left for anwar to do is to keep abg jo of sarawak happy (hence more oil and gas revenue for them), zahid to be completely acquitted and kitsiang loaded with power and money plus a complete control of penang, perak and selangor.
There are of course jobs for everyone in pkr including for the two short man, fahmi and rafizi. The agong is mere ceremonial hence not much effort will be put to keep him happy.Even if he isnt, it will not affect anwar's power.
The malays being 70% of the population must be kept divided and weak. Anwar will buy some of its weak leaders (such as the opposition mps) and those that cannot be bought, will be made to kill each other politically.
Najib feels empty and dissapointed. He got no one to talk to. He whispers to himself in Kajang.. What pardon?
The pardon is a little too little a little too late. It is insufficient for the damage done to a former PM of Malaysia. He was tried and convicted by the media, Regime Change, his political rivals and a nation that no longer observes the rule of law or its own constitution.
The prosecution failed to adequately discharge its burden of proof on the evidence. The accused DS Najib was denied a proper trial let alone the right to properly rebutt the allegations against him. C critical evidence leading to the money trail was withheld by the prosecution and assisted by a totally incompetent and inexperienced judge.
The failure to bring Jho Low into the trial as a witness compromised the integrity of the prosecution and the court. The same errors in the process of not calling the former governor of Bank Negara was also a deliberate decision by the court and the prosecution for fear their case would not just collapse in a smelly heap, it would embarrass them and give rise to criminal charges against the sentient minds behind the decision to charge DS Najib and his wife.
The former head of the FBI James Comey was discredited in his role as head of FBI as were his agents in California who as part of the NED spear headed this persecution of DS Najib.
The real fight begins now.