Good that the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave forced finally to release Assange. Lesson here for our gomen which is terrified of the freedom of speech.
As with the usual machination of a fascist state, the "plea deal" isn't all that great for Assange or journalists.
Perhaps our legal experts, both genuine and fake, should enlighten us how they see the matter while they are idling and waiting for that juicy case not coming their way, haven't heard much or anything from them.
As a hint, there has been nothing but holes in the legal case of the Assange affair, last of which was the unsurprising disappearance of material evidence held of the spying (and assassination?) contractors working for Uncle Sam. You could have sworn the goons can only be from Bolehland! Well, judging by the way censorship is being handled or manhandled by our little fascist Keystone Klowns Kontractors and the MacDani gomen of MacMullah Herr Anwar!
His plea is just a face saving device. US has a hegemonic face to lose. It lost once in the HwaWei case. Now it is so involved all over the world, it cannot back down from instigating violence and chaos. This is the danger of a hegemon who has run out of steam.
An emotional day for Julian, his family and his many many supporters! He can rest knowing he has changed the way we see media forever and pulled the wool from the world’s eyes! There is a great amount of truth seekers/exposers out there now, he can hand the baton over ✌️
Good that the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave forced finally to release Assange. Lesson here for our gomen which is terrified of the freedom of speech.
As with the usual machination of a fascist state, the "plea deal" isn't all that great for Assange or journalists.
Perhaps our legal experts, both genuine and fake, should enlighten us how they see the matter while they are idling and waiting for that juicy case not coming their way, haven't heard much or anything from them.
As a hint, there has been nothing but holes in the legal case of the Assange affair, last of which was the unsurprising disappearance of material evidence held of the spying (and assassination?) contractors working for Uncle Sam. You could have sworn the goons can only be from Bolehland! Well, judging by the way censorship is being handled or manhandled by our little fascist Keystone Klowns Kontractors and the MacDani gomen of MacMullah Herr Anwar!
His plea is just a face saving device. US has a hegemonic face to lose. It lost once in the HwaWei case. Now it is so involved all over the world, it cannot back down from instigating violence and chaos. This is the danger of a hegemon who has run out of steam.
An emotional day for Julian, his family and his many many supporters! He can rest knowing he has changed the way we see media forever and pulled the wool from the world’s eyes! There is a great amount of truth seekers/exposers out there now, he can hand the baton over ✌️
"and pulled the wool from the world’s eyes"
Yes, Bolehland does have plenty of fcuking blind, deaf and dumb sheep...
For sure! 👍