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BRICS offers another arena for MacMullah of MacDani to strut around and shine on an international stage. Having been shoved aside by the Chinese over their more useful role over Palestine, Ketuananwar must surely be desperately seeking another way to get himself somewhere where he may get some attention to feed his huge narcissistic ego.

MacMullah of MacDani may want in with BRICS where, sure, there's a place to teach the world about the apartheid system with Malaisesia's characteristics. And to lecture on why after over half a century, Ketuanan has got Malaisesia nowhere.

Assuring the West why Malaisesia needs to be in BRICS is no damn good, worse still, the US has not signalled it's approval Bolehland can join BRICS. So expect to experience a colour revolution, all the US needs do is to wake up its bunches of sleeper, stooges, proxies to run out the streets, stage a big riot like in Hong Kong and bingo the gomen falls!

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