Kamala has done much more than any of her predecessors. Its not as if Hillary or Bill Clinton, George Bush Jnr or Kennedy had a track record before coming to office. The Kennedys were the progeny of thugs, gangsters and immorality. Being low profile does ot make one indolent or a non performer.

If any of these others who came before Kamala had any background in politics i was of no bloody use. Ronald Reagan who plunged America into a culture of violence, greed (the first banking collapse) misadventures abroad (Latin America) then taking credit for Gorbachev's stupidity.

The US is like Rome at the time of its collapse. It is a disaster whether Kamala or Trump is president. The country is so divided and tinder box dry, nothing but violence and negative disruption will come out of it. At least with Kamala Harris she can debate, has a sharp legal mind, is personable, a good negotiator and has a sense of direction. If she isn't good, then thats a reflection of how desperate the US has become.

A nation thats spent nearly a century destroying other nations has come home to roost destroying itself.

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