Malaysians, especially their "educated" classes are angry and bitter at being exposed as a bunch of airheads who were bought and tricked by the NED, George Soros's Shadow government and Open Societies and their acolytes in these inutile organizations like Transparency International, C4, Bersih, the Malaysian Bar, G25 and the Malaysian Bar into believing Malaysia needed "more democracy and freedoms" and that Anwar would delliver on their political wet dream if and when he took the reins of Malaysia. He has.
Anwar promised reform. He is now reforming Malaysia. He realizes the mess that Malaysia turned into with the levels of democratic freedoms (disruptive street marches, lies and a mish mash of unverifiable rumours and lies spread by these so called pro democracy organizations for over 10 years) and the damage it has done to Malaysia's reputation and its economy.
He will now begin to round up the Elizabeth Wongs, the Teresa Koks, Ambigas, Marina Mahathirs, former presidents of the Malaysian Bar, the Raja Petra Kamaruddins, the Cynthia Gabriels and Terrence Gomez's all of them foreign funded and guilty of sedition and treason.
Malaysia has a majority Muslim population of mainly Malays. Much of the kind of reforms these so called NGO's (Regime Changers) have no mandate from anyone but the hands that feed them from abroad. They will now realize that there is no place to run nor to hide.
The US, the force behind most of these sinister individuals and the movements they belong to, is in trouble. The US is in an intractable, irreversible slide into a political black hole. Regardless of who wins the November general elections there it is done for. And their focus will no longer be on these side shows in the developing world they once funded.
In the end, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Libya, Ukraine, Georgia, Tunisia, Egypt and a host of other nations that were tricked into the so called "pro democracy" movements will have to pay the piper for their indulgences and a seat at the table of Davos to sell their nations' silver to a bunch of greedy Westerners flush with cash.
The light they all saw at the end of the tunnel was the headlight of George Soros's and the West's runaway express train and not a light at the end of the tunnel. Too late to get out of the way.
Clampdowns like this are not just 'out of the blue' events. They are a response to what the government perceives as opposition. When was discussing the 3Rs ever as disruptive as it seems to be now? Life is deteriorating in Malaysia and trouble is brewing. The government knows it and these restrictions are only the beginning.
As the man in power, Anwar is singing a different tune.
But then, Anwar has perhaps never changed. He just suppressed his true self to present the face of a reformist. Now that he is the PM, all pretenses can end.
Malaysians, especially their "educated" classes are angry and bitter at being exposed as a bunch of airheads who were bought and tricked by the NED, George Soros's Shadow government and Open Societies and their acolytes in these inutile organizations like Transparency International, C4, Bersih, the Malaysian Bar, G25 and the Malaysian Bar into believing Malaysia needed "more democracy and freedoms" and that Anwar would delliver on their political wet dream if and when he took the reins of Malaysia. He has.
Anwar promised reform. He is now reforming Malaysia. He realizes the mess that Malaysia turned into with the levels of democratic freedoms (disruptive street marches, lies and a mish mash of unverifiable rumours and lies spread by these so called pro democracy organizations for over 10 years) and the damage it has done to Malaysia's reputation and its economy.
He will now begin to round up the Elizabeth Wongs, the Teresa Koks, Ambigas, Marina Mahathirs, former presidents of the Malaysian Bar, the Raja Petra Kamaruddins, the Cynthia Gabriels and Terrence Gomez's all of them foreign funded and guilty of sedition and treason.
Malaysia has a majority Muslim population of mainly Malays. Much of the kind of reforms these so called NGO's (Regime Changers) have no mandate from anyone but the hands that feed them from abroad. They will now realize that there is no place to run nor to hide.
The US, the force behind most of these sinister individuals and the movements they belong to, is in trouble. The US is in an intractable, irreversible slide into a political black hole. Regardless of who wins the November general elections there it is done for. And their focus will no longer be on these side shows in the developing world they once funded.
In the end, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Libya, Ukraine, Georgia, Tunisia, Egypt and a host of other nations that were tricked into the so called "pro democracy" movements will have to pay the piper for their indulgences and a seat at the table of Davos to sell their nations' silver to a bunch of greedy Westerners flush with cash.
The light they all saw at the end of the tunnel was the headlight of George Soros's and the West's runaway express train and not a light at the end of the tunnel. Too late to get out of the way.
Chicken Korma, have you become a chameleon like Ketuananwar?
One day you bitch crazy about Ketuananwar, the next you sink low to smooch his behind..
One day you are Jekyll, another day you are Hyde...
You couldn't get your datuk title from Mamakthir or Ah Jib, are you hoping for one from Ketuananwar?
Clampdowns like this are not just 'out of the blue' events. They are a response to what the government perceives as opposition. When was discussing the 3Rs ever as disruptive as it seems to be now? Life is deteriorating in Malaysia and trouble is brewing. The government knows it and these restrictions are only the beginning.
As the man in power, Anwar is singing a different tune.
But then, Anwar has perhaps never changed. He just suppressed his true self to present the face of a reformist. Now that he is the PM, all pretenses can end.