Anwar is a politician. Politics is about power. Power is evil. The more evil a politician is, the more successful they are.

What kind of politician is anwar? He is an opportunistic type. What is his strength? He knows how to talk. This is what all politicians do.

What is his extra gift that other politicians in malaysia dont have? He is brave and confident and not one just to contemplate. He gets involved.

What is his weakness? He is not a problem solver. He has no interest in delivering solutions and have a short attention span.

What does he need now? He needs someone to follow up everything that he promise. He should assign one person to set up a team who job is to follow up with action plan so that things get done.

His coalition parties are beginning to see the result of his unattentiveness to the problems of the country. They are all now trying their best to get money for their own party but since theres no projects are given out, theres barely real wealth creation.

The rakyat is suffering. Does he care? Not really. He is at the moment taking the opportunity of the gaza war to make himself a world figure. Like mandela and aung san su kyi.

Anwar is having the time of his life meeting leaders everywhere in the world. He loves the feeling.


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"Former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yakoob could withdrawal"......... "The recent changes of loyal of 4 Bersatu MPs changes the game"....you're getting paid for this fecal matter, Mr Hunter. Instead of rushing out and spending the cash on beer and ladyboys, try proofreading once in a while.

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There's a great way out for "great orator" (big talker) Anwar to dodge everything to do with his own country that he cannot handle one bit, but still full of egotistical goodness for him.

Anwar could whore heartedly throw in his lot, meaning he, himself, plus the Crying Nun, plus Holy Daughter into the cause of Palestine. Being a great talker he can talk PAS into volunteering a respectable bunch of jihadists to fight for the Palestinian cause (and martyrdom).

If Mullah Anwar continues with not paying attention to Malaysia, he's going to lose his entire support from the now precious few still buying and worshipping his shiite. He's not going to be converting any further Indian to the "religion of peace".

Only thing left for our plantation hero is to liberate Gaza. He'll most likely become a martyr the moment he shoots off his mouth that gets Hamas pissed off. The Israelis would probably let the long time neocon stooge off, Anwar is of no use he couldn't even get old mullah Nik Aziz to recognise Israel.

Dying for a heroic cause (or his vanity and stupidity) would get Anwar remembered forever. Nobody would remember him as a rather stupid, clueless and useless political operator only good at talking forever and getting nothing achieved ever.

Among plenty of disasters to come, the worthless ringgit is about to get even more worthless. And Anwar has no clue how to deal with this yet another hot potato, the best way out is let him disappear to Gaza and take his big trap with him, bye and don't come back!

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