Sirul still waiting for his millions? But what has he done with the thousands he has received?
Hussein Abdul Hamid
Last week I posted "Hasnal Rezua Merican: I did not pay RM1 Million. I did not make the video. Fakta or Fiction?". and with that article, I included a pay-in slip for RM$40K (Forty thousand ringgit) deposited into the account of Mohd Fakri Bin Mat Ali - the same Mohd Fakri who visited Sirul at Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney.
Today I am attaching four more pay-in slip, each for the amount of RM$40K - making a total RM$160K - made to two companies:
Better Coach Builders SD.
Zafri Autos
SSM documents attached confirm that Fakri is a Director in both these companies. In total, RM$200K (Two hundred thousand) has been deposited into Public Islamic Bank accounts which can be linked directly to Fakri.
Who made these five cash deposit of RM$40K each amounting to RM$200K?
Where did the money come from?
Why were they made?
Is Hasnal Rezua Merican aware of these transactions?
Did Sirul Azhar Umar received any money as a result of these transactions?
To be continued:
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Bolehland is a magical mystery country.
All sorts of things nice, horrible, weird and all happens all the time. When it should. And when it shouldn't.
Money mysteriously appears and disappears all the time. Take for instance, a fat lump sum appeared in Ah Jib's bank account that he couldn't explain. While for many bank accounts, money disappeared, though that can be explained by fraud and scamming being big industry in Bolehland.
Like the good Lord, money moves in mysterious ways in Bolehland. I'm sure there's a good explanation for the money movement or non movement in the story. Even when for most of the time Bolehlanders cannot explain anything. Or don't want to explain anything. Bolehlanders are also very good at playing dead. So they won't be able to explain anything.
Malaysians are miracles, they can be alive and dead at the same time.
So hang around for the answers, they might appear. But then again it may not. Bolehlanders are well advised to lie back under the coconut trees, relax and hold your breath for money to mysteriously appear in your account. But then again your money may disappear too.
Your mates may have forgotten to send you the money. He may send it to the wrong person. He may nick the money. With Bolehland everything and anything and nothing can happen. And with Bolehlanders it is always safest to expect the worst, Alhamdullilah!
I wonder if that copper fella in Oz is still crying. Or laughing once his back is turned. Whatever that may be, Copper Man does have mysterious friends.