We have achieved independence 66 years ago. We should have been moving on to greater heights but instead we have been led astray by the tribalism of the power elites, who incidentally have also been sucking the country dry. Thus we will lose our independence because our power elites have bankrupted our country by their tribal ways.

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Murray, in the context of October 7, we are unwittingly aligning ourselves with the Hamas charter that explicitly calls for the annihilation of Jews. That is the conundrum engaging the peaceful Muslim world.

Two hundred years ago, Nat Turner, who conducted the largest slave rebellion in the US, is eerily similar. Turner was a religious fanatic who believed he acted on God's word and called for the annihilation of white people, not just soldiers and enslavers, but women and children. In hopelessness and anger, he and his group went on a killing spree, raising the price so high that two presidencies later, Lincoln enacted the law abolishing slavery.

In post-war periods, given that the concepts of justice are distinct from peace, let us pray that the 'handiwork' of Hamas on October 7 is a high enough price for Israel and the world to recognise the plight of the Palestinians towards a peaceful solution.

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Had it not been for the introduction of political awareness in schools in India and Indonesia as it was the case in Sukarno's and Gandhi's fights for independence Malaysia would not be an independent nation at all.

The independence struggles were born out of the necessity of an awareness that children be inculcated with the meaning and the knowledge of what the political struggles of those born and suffering under the same menace and legacy of British colonialism elsewhere.

It is a progressive idea. In fact in Israel and in the Jewish diaspora a child is imbued with the catechism of his superiority and special place in the world being of God's chosen race. It is this as it were with the early Christian colonialists who went in search of the New World and the colonies with bible in one hand and a gun in the other that we are colonised and confused about our own rights, culture and differences.

Hansen and a number of other pollsters show a 1,000% increasse in "anti semitism" in the West, beginning with the US and spread all over Europe. Put loosely, anti semitism as the Zionists havee interpreted it is the questioning of Jewish right to evict, kill and maim all those no Jewish natives in the land of Palestine which they occupied since 1948 under the Balfour Declaration and a fable called the Bible.

The formation of Israel remains one of the last and most radically insane acts of appropriation of land by the British which they handed over to a bunch of Europeans displaced by Europeans from Europe and transplanted to a land that mythically was referred to by Zinonists in their propaganda as " A land without people for a people without land".

It is time that Malays realized they are not Chinese, Indians or Christians but Malays and Muslims with an inextricable cultural link to everyone in the Islamic world and to be informed of their diversity beyond Christian values imposed on them 2 centuries ago.

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Obviously anwar want to be the one to 'connect the dots' and be peacemaker in this conflict.

To do this, he has to please hamas and at the same time not to be seen condemning the jews. He want that glory to be on the world stage.

Anwar use the term 'universal values of humanity' to defend his mad action of getting school children demo in school like a martyr! If he means well, he would hv ask the kids to also be in solidarity of uhgyur muslims in china and the muslim rohingyas in rakhine state of myanmar. They too are facing discrimination and genocide.

Well,next week anwar will go to see joe biden. Once he is appointed by biden as the middleman, he will negotiate a win win solution and bring peace in the middle east.

Anwar will then win the alfred nobel peace prize.

Talk about selfish.

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