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Majority of work and "research" on Sunzi not based on Chinese texts are utter tosh. One work by a Japanese scholar is about the only one single foreign one that's not half-arsed. That goes to say, majority of translations, interpretations, commentaries are just plain tosh. Rubbish built on top of rubbish. That's how incestuous "scholarship" can be. And that's also the whore basis of work on ketuanan the "supreme race" and ketuanan the garbage fantasy myth.

To know Sunzi (Sun Tzu to the Orientalists) you need to dive deep into Daoism. Sunzi was Daoist. So was Zhuge Kunming, another famous warfare strategist. Mao Zedong had a working grasp of Sunzi military ideas. There are strategists and "strategists", "strategist" gives impressions of amazing ability and great or even uncanny foresight. Just like "bomohs". Our political parties are full of "strategists" and no end of "strategies". That's why our country gets properly fcuked up.

To learn about Sunzi in a pleasant way, spend time at the Sunzi Art of War Museum at the beautiful Qionglong Mountains, near the beautiful Suzhou City. The Museum hosts many works on Sunzi and is often visited by Sunzi scholars and fans. Meetings to discuss Sunzi is frequently held there. Sunzi was buried in the area, so was his king He Lu.

If you come across international gatherings on Sunzi, do attend them as the friction between those dependent on Western (mostly English) works and the works by the nowadays more assertive Chinese, they get very heated. That alone is worth the visit. I've attended international meetings on Daoism where international experts attempted to shout down soft-spoken Daoist priest scholars. I would pay good money to see same for "Malay studies" and ketuanan whatever. But be very careful, our local scholars are sensitive to the slightest whiff of suspicion, even worse, scrutiny they are a pile of scholarly degenerates and plain bullsh*tters.

If the Chinese want to (make sure you are not some half-baked pretty face or just another Bolehland kiasu scrounger) they will foot all your bills including flights. There would be plenty of sightseeing. Depending on venues, I get put up in Robert Kuok's Shangri-la, no room sharing. I'm saying this because I want to see more Sunzi and Daoism scholars from Bolehland gracing the pinnacle of scholarship, so start learning Chinese and stop being fcuking bananas if you are genetic hybrids, as the magic is mingling with the real McWongs!

Btw, you'll profit too by learning about the Yi Jing (I Ching to Western fans - and experts). The Yi Jing is also used in Asian management (science and maths too). There are only five top acknowledged Chinese scholars on the Yi Jing. But there are a few hundred thousand Western experts on it, fcuking Hell, typical!

On one of these lovely trips to China, I met a research scholar in Chinese studies from Bolehland, she was an Iban from Sarawak, and fluent in Chinese, she did her PhD in Chinese in Taiwan. So there's hope in some quarters in Bolehland, may Sarawakians be free from the toxicity of ketuanan whatever, and free from the grip of Malaya, Alhamdullilah!

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