Soon bureaucrats will be playing truant as well when the system can no longer support inane policies and pork barrel projects.

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What is more absent from our education "system" , gomen, religion, morals, and indeed, society, is the ability to feel shame.

If our dumbfcuk teachers and those dumbfcuks in education know shame of letting down school children, shame of letting down parents, shame of letting down their school, shame of stealing taxpayers' money and doing no work, etc etc, we'd have a normal education system.

The first party to blame and cane would be the gomen. I would advocate kneeing the gomen between the legs and get rid of it. Followed by those running education and the teachers who should also be sacked. The problem of absenteeism among teachers seems to be one going back years.

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As it is, Malaysia has the most number of Pubic holidays in the World. Female teachers are entitled to maternity leave. Then, there is at least 4 days of unrecorded leave. Plus 3 terms of school holidays. All told, the number of paid holidays for a female teacher in Malaysia is estimated to be 6 months. OMG !

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Mr Corn Can, you don't seem to like women, have you got some kind of problem?

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This is so not surprising. If you understand the core of the Malay psyche you will not be shocked or surprised. This is the same psyche that is releasing hundreds of unfit Malay doctors into the health care system and failing graduates from foreign medical schools. Then you can surveil all the govt depts. It will be very the same everywhere

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As the only Cambridge and US Army Medical Research Unit Walter Reed Hospital Washington DC graduate in epidemiology in Asia I offered my services to the Government. There was silence. I offered the same to the Hong Kong Government which accepted my advice in one week. The Chief Executive Officer SAR wrote me a 'thank you' letter !

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"There was silence."

Not surprised at all, you put off anyone and his dog very easily. That's why no one bothers retrieve your offer from the dustpan to find an address to reply you no thank you - or tell you to just fcuk off

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CKS. You are right. My 40 something Malay lawyer discovered his friend had a successful angiogram at a Government hospital. He also wanted one. He died whilst in hospital. The cause of his death was dengue fever

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"The cause of his death was dengue fever"

Could be your bad breath when you do your incessant bragging when visiting the poor sod in hospital.

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Any diagnosis will do to cover up.

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Unnecessary curfews and barbed wire road blocks manned by soldiers with M-16 were installed to catch a virus hidden in a human cell ! Great loss of lives and money occurred without understanding the Pandemic because they were all amateurs !

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"they were all amateurs"

Just like you

Takes one to know one.

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Murray Hunter just like the rest of the big names in media-Nades, Mariam Mokhtar, Francis Siah, P Gunasegaram and S Thayaparan and so on, are all excellent in sharing their insight about the disasters and crisis facing the nation at this moment of our history as a daily nightmare!

This teachers' absenteeism in schools all over the nation is another case of high lighting the dilemma facing the country.

The Chinese has a word which describes crisis as an opportunity for us to offer solutions to to overcome a challenge confronting us in society.

The absenteeism of teachers in school is the result of a process accumulated over time in the recruiting of people to train as teachers. If no serious and smart move is employed to prevent this common conduct from recurring, the crisis will stay on for ever with no solution in sight in come over the horizon.

A teacher who stays away from teaching in which it is being paid is not something the government can pretend does not exist and sweep the misconduct under the carpet. There is no end to the consequences of an act. such as this violation of responsibility to teach a group of pupils under his or her charge.

To solve this misbehavior in a person takes time and effort on the one hand, and the other end is the willingness and cooperation of the problematic teacher's willingness to respond to reform to be a better teacher. The two parties must work together to overcome this challenges. Fire fighting and attacking the absenteeism after the manifestation surface is going to be a difficult and a protracted to say the least.

A problematic teacher has a root cause some where from childhood to adulthood along the journey of life which was not solved and remained in the personality and emotional make up which contributed to the teacher deformed mind set. Instead of confronting the problem that demand an answer, the victim runs away from difficulty or lives in denial. This is the outcome of lack of skills in dealing with rough patch of life. The same heat that hardens the egg, melts the butter. A fierce battle that transforms a boy into a man, without the inner strength of a tough constitution within a man, this same trial of a battle, turns a lesser boy into a nervous collapse.

To thrive above the crisis of life and stay on top of the unexpected challenges of life, all of us need to be equipped with two life's amours to maintain tranquil and at peace whatever happen to us externally in circumstances or events.

This two life's ammunitions are beautifully expressed by two quotations.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

― Alvin Toffler (4 Oct 1928- 27 June 2016)

He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Sir William Drummond (26 Sept 1769-29 March 1828)

All the woes and sufferings society hurl upon all human kind living on earth are the result of failure to exercise properly the mind and emotion.

The next natural question is how to equip and arm all mankind with these two excellent skills to live a productive and meaningful life by the ability to navigate life's stormy sea when our mind and emotion are in demand to cope with a crisis or challenges that come to us unexpectedly?

The surprising answer is even though no school or formal education ever offer such a course to make us perfect in handling these two faculties of the soul , the art and science can be learnt by first be conscious of prenatal psychology investment.

The insight of prenatal education is the first step to sow the seed of greatness in all of us who desire to live an meaningful and fruitful life. Focus on the new and the young.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old,but on building the new.

- Socrates-

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Lao Tzu

Plan for what is difficult, while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Sun Tzu

The disaster of teacher's absenteeism is the manifestation of failure to invest in prenatal investment.

It is easier to nurture a wholesome soul, then repairing damaged and deformed human being.

The vicious cycle of youth is a blunder, adulthood a struggle and old age a regret can be terminated once and for all by getting from me, the seed of greatness jordan9tan@yahoo.com

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"The Chinese has a word which describes crisis as an opportunity for us to offer solutions to to overcome a challenge confronting us in society."

The Chinese do have that word. In fact, two words.

But what you describe as what it means (crisis as opportunity) is purely a Western invention that has gone the round, and since even quoted by some Chinese with a new meaning.

危机 may have the words for "crisis" and "opportunity", but together it used to just mean something mostly a freaking disaster.

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