The heading in this article gives the impression that something really bad is happening to adolescents due to complications after receiving the Pfizer covid vaccination. A search on Google for myopericarditis and tachycardia shows that these usually resolve themselves, even the more serious cases, and almost no teen fatalities at all was found due to covid vaccinations.
Sometimes too technical and scientific articles can scare people depending on how they're written. All these supposed side effects to me is just the vaccination actually making them healthier and jump starting their heart and probably other parts of their bodies as well. Ever fell in love and had butterflies in the stomach and heart jumping suddenly when you see your subject of affection and infatuation? It's making them more alive!
big headlines but dumb research. small sample size, poor sampling done , bad conclusions considering everyone survived the vaccine but not everyone would survive covid (100 > 99 )
murray stick to what u know and stop bs-ing abt covid. vaccine did help, period , end of story. the waves are getting tamer and less ppl turning up to casualty as the walking dead nowadays (happy hypoxic pts ). but if humanity decides that no need anymore vaccines and we dont need to worry abt covid thats fine. stop writing free cheques for covid tx and start sending the bills out. the real problem now is the paxlovid pills we are starting to see being shoved into us.
The heading in this article gives the impression that something really bad is happening to adolescents due to complications after receiving the Pfizer covid vaccination. A search on Google for myopericarditis and tachycardia shows that these usually resolve themselves, even the more serious cases, and almost no teen fatalities at all was found due to covid vaccinations.
Sometimes too technical and scientific articles can scare people depending on how they're written. All these supposed side effects to me is just the vaccination actually making them healthier and jump starting their heart and probably other parts of their bodies as well. Ever fell in love and had butterflies in the stomach and heart jumping suddenly when you see your subject of affection and infatuation? It's making them more alive!
big headlines but dumb research. small sample size, poor sampling done , bad conclusions considering everyone survived the vaccine but not everyone would survive covid (100 > 99 )
murray stick to what u know and stop bs-ing abt covid. vaccine did help, period , end of story. the waves are getting tamer and less ppl turning up to casualty as the walking dead nowadays (happy hypoxic pts ). but if humanity decides that no need anymore vaccines and we dont need to worry abt covid thats fine. stop writing free cheques for covid tx and start sending the bills out. the real problem now is the paxlovid pills we are starting to see being shoved into us.