Ever the more reason we should tweak the Religion of Peace to accommodate gambling. After all, we've done a great walk around the holy scriptures inventing the scam called "Islamic banking".
We'll be in permanent poverty if we do not split the difference in the lucrative earnings from gambling with the Thais, you don't want them to make all the money.
Gambling will bring in the big gamblers - and their money. More than often these are unbelievable eye-watering sums. That's why the casinos offer free rooms, free food, and, in case you are not aware, free prostitutes for these punters.
I think casinos should be along the East Coast to open up the areas for all development. I think our conservative mullahs will be amenable once they see real big-time moolah and those super high-end luxury cars, Alhamdullilah!
Ever the more reason we should tweak the Religion of Peace to accommodate gambling. After all, we've done a great walk around the holy scriptures inventing the scam called "Islamic banking".
We'll be in permanent poverty if we do not split the difference in the lucrative earnings from gambling with the Thais, you don't want them to make all the money.
Gambling will bring in the big gamblers - and their money. More than often these are unbelievable eye-watering sums. That's why the casinos offer free rooms, free food, and, in case you are not aware, free prostitutes for these punters.
I think casinos should be along the East Coast to open up the areas for all development. I think our conservative mullahs will be amenable once they see real big-time moolah and those super high-end luxury cars, Alhamdullilah!