When you say, "This revolution is a spiritual one about vision for a new Europe and it must come from the streets of Munich, the streets of Paris, villages in Romania, and towers in Barcelona, and so on. The vanguard of this revolution will be the same people who were involved in the Arab Spring, the uprisings in Burma and Iran, and the Occupy movement in the United States, the youth of Europe." is a good statement.

But the question is that the vanguard of the anticipated spiritual revolution will be Muslims, Buddhists, etc who are already in Paris, etc. or are born there now into 2-3 generations and are facing the onslaught of Islamophobia. Do you think post-Christian Europe with Christian cultural ethos is now open to accommodate the 2-3 generations of European Muslims? We have seen the case Tariq Ramadan - an European Muslim who is victimized and also many Muslim women for whom wearing Hijab is not allowed not given access to public schools and universities i.e. are not tolerated nor offered hospitality (Derrida) in Europe.

I want to hear your view on this because you are writing from living in SE Asia while the ground reality contemporary post-Christian Europe towards Islam and Muslims is still as unhospitable both theologically and culturally as in old Europe.

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Just about every European countries coins were printed in Latin until not so long ago. As was much of the official correspondence. And the Romans had an empire there I'm told

The Europe of the 20th C has the look of having been deliberately balkanized.

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