"Don't spook the Malays"

- Herr MacMullah of MacDani

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Nothing new, so what are we gonna do about it? The race that can do something about it won't. Voting obviously doesn't work, I don't even think it's a matter of lesser of two evils anymore. How bad do things have to get before people are willing to put aside all the racist, classist and religious discrimination to work together and rise up

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Malays got what they wanted by initiating may13. Nons must realise Malays will continue to practice racial discrimination and thumb their noses if nons are too polite and passive. Time for a radical change of attitude by the nons.

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No one wants another May 13 and the way forward is one that must include all races Malays and non-Malays against the establishment when the majority of Malays realize they've been betrayed so badly by their own race of Malay elites.

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"... when the majority of Malays realize they've been betrayed.."



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Don't waste time talking. Just vote them out. Nons must vote against any malay ketuanan policies. We have to do what needs to be done.

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"... vote against any malay ketuanan policies"

I quite like anything ketuanan, they may be excessively fcuking stupid, but they are great at inducing great mirth and wild laughter in us.

Tree-swinging cave monkeys shrieking, thumping their chests, and posturing as the allamighty lords of the jungle should always make us lol.

To enjoy ketuanan stupidity brings us great joy and gives us good health. Even when that occasionally makes us vomit and cause us to hold our nose to protect us from the allamighty stink.

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