Nothing exposes the mostly Western "journalists" that churn out the deadly bias and prejudicial reporting against the Palestinians.

Thankfully, there are still those few journalists who have the integrity to call out those amazing lies coming out of Israel and faithfully mouthed by those morally-bankrupt "journalists". Those spineless "journalists" are so cowardly that they are never on the scene where the "action" is. And they are on the ground, some are forced to at least report a little truth, eg CNN...

Those of humanity with even a bit of conscience should think about the near two hundred brave journalists slaughtered by the Israeli Occupation Forces for daring to be journalists.

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The "craft of Journalism" died a long time ago. Started when the CIA, MI5, etc bought over or planted their people in the media and news agencies.

And interesting fact about control of the press - what is a "D notice"?

Ever wonder why when you wake up in the morning and get yourself indoctrinated, brainwashed, why are all the headlines the same?

Do you know a big part of Brit propaganda skill was sharpened in Malaya during the "Emergency" and the Cold War? And the experience and expertise sold to the US for the Vietnam War?

And your favourite authors Rudyard Kipling, George Orwell, Anthony Burgess were all colonial propaganda officers before?

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How is Clare Rewcastle Brown (no pretentious "posh" hyphen between surnames) an "investigative journalist"?

And Douglas Murray is just another right-wing and Zionist shill who is a bitch and bitches about anyone he personally dislikes. His recent "warzone" drama when he visited Israel where he hid from explosions and gunshots that weren't there, was clearly staged theatre. What a fcuking bitch poofter of a fake journalist!

Any presstitude who want to sell their souls and their mothers can always get funded from the usual suspect organisations, eg the likes of Zionist outfits, US and Brit regime change, misinformation, and propaganda outfits. Several Bolehland media and bunches of stooges receive funds and work for them.

Btw, Clare Rewcastle Brown didn't exactly defended her defamation case. Why didn't she stood her ground, fight the good fight, win, so she doesn't have to appeal her sentence? Elderly aunt posed as "saviour" for Sarawak but has done precious little for her adopted country. Sarawakians have always hoped she would do a "Najib" on Taib Mahmud, that would have been a nice little earner... and somehow even make her a mercenary...

In the interest of decent journalism, how did Elderly Aunt leave the BBC?

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