Europeans as individual nations have no real security architecture or strength capable of dealig with internal conflicts let alone delaing with their giant bette noir Russia.
Still deeply steeped in the Nazi culture of Xenophobia directed at the Slavic people, Europe keeps barking at Russia like the poodle barks at anythig that moves knowing it is being protcted by an Alsation.
That Alsation (The USA) does not want to engage in that costly imaginery spat the poodle is having with its shadows anymore. Yet the poodle barks on. Poland will be next. Then Rumania, Albania and the Baltic States who poked the bear in the eye. The Central Asian states will continnue to behave themselves or be consumed by China as an alternative.
Slovakia, Hungary ad the Czech republic were smart enough to read the writing (in cyrill) in the wall and act accordingly in time.
Europeans as individual nations have no real security architecture or strength capable of dealig with internal conflicts let alone delaing with their giant bette noir Russia.
Still deeply steeped in the Nazi culture of Xenophobia directed at the Slavic people, Europe keeps barking at Russia like the poodle barks at anythig that moves knowing it is being protcted by an Alsation.
That Alsation (The USA) does not want to engage in that costly imaginery spat the poodle is having with its shadows anymore. Yet the poodle barks on. Poland will be next. Then Rumania, Albania and the Baltic States who poked the bear in the eye. The Central Asian states will continnue to behave themselves or be consumed by China as an alternative.
Slovakia, Hungary ad the Czech republic were smart enough to read the writing (in cyrill) in the wall and act accordingly in time.