"Very few people in the world have a competent understanding of the complex phenomenon of climate change."

That's Bolehland for you, fill up with politicians incapable of thinking and too lazy to think.

Naturally they turn to the easiest way out - like Jesus said to give up and follow. That will save Bolehlanders from the pain of having to think.

Fortunately, Bolehland will not follow through with anything it follows, it will still not understand anything, and will still make a mess of everything.

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The globalist to scam the world by the plandemic of Covid 19 started in 1965. Nothing of Covid 19 is from nature. but artificially made to profit form sale of vaccine. The globalists such as Bill Gates invested in big pharma that made and sell vaccine in the 2020 at the start of the plandemics, later sold the shares in big pharma saying that vaccines are not effective against the prevention and spread of the virus. Rothschild registered the patent to sell the Covid 19 test kits on 13 Oct 2015 way long before the manifestation of Covid 19 all over the world.

The climate change is another scam to impoverish the world's nations. All the lies about raising sea level flooding the sea coast community due to climate change is a hoax. Bill Gates, Obama and the Jeff Bezos are all neighbours having bangalows by the sea in Hawaii ! What rising sea level when they themselves don't believe their own lies spreading in the MSM?

Whatever that are sold from big pharma such as aspartame is the culprit that causes cancer, and this is the way, cancer drugs are in high demand and bring in obscene profit for the company. MOH should conduct their own tests to check the safety of aspartame in our own lab before accepting the FDA approval as science and truth. FDA delayed the approval of Aspartame

Here is the dirty story of how this neurotoxin was approved.

Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president January 21, 1981. Rumsfeld, while still CEO at Searle, was part of Reagan's transition team. This team hand-picked Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., to be the new FDA commissioner. Dr. Hayes, a pharmacologist, had no previous experience with food additives before being appointed director of the FDA. On January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan's inauguration, Reagan issued an executive order eliminating the FDA commissioners' authority to take action and Searle re-applied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame in food sweetener. Hayes, Reagan's new FDA commissioner, appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry's decision. It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a 3-2 decision. So Hayes installed a sixth member on the commission, and the vote became deadlocked. He then personally broke the tie in aspartame's favor.

Here's the kicker: When Searle was absorbed by Monsanto in 1985, Donald Rumsfeld reportedly received a $12 million bonus, pretty big money in those days. Also, while at Searle, Rumsfeld was awarded Outstanding CEO in the Pharmaceutical Industry from the Wall Street Transcript (1980) and Financial World (1981)!

If this is done with aspartame, a neurotoxin which cause cancer can be used in Malaysian food manufacturing and caused death in Malaysia, there are many others dubious harmful additives in consumers shopping list that should be banned by MOH such as fluoride used in toothpaste and warfarin to cite two examples.

Malaysia sovereignty is at risk, if we mindlessly follow the dictate of the foreign experts without our own research at home. Climate change and the WEF other agenda such as smart city and EV are lies to ensalve the masses.

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The reality of climate change is if some crony can get the contract for all the solar panels like you see in the picture and for the whole of Bolehland, he'd have his life nicely cut out, think the Memali Mo Dynasty...

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Actually we may not survive climate change long enough to be bothered about green energy.

A rise of half a degree in temperature will mean our agriculture will suffer, crops will die off - not to say we grow much by way of food crops, and we cannot survive on palm oil, coconuts, durians, rambutans, and so on.

Starvation will mean we kill each other to grab food, we cross into other countries like they do in Africa during famine, drought.. We can't eat our garbage politicians and have to lower ourselves look to other countries to feed us and maybe even to keep us alive wtf for I don't know.

Imagine kraptuanan having to crawl to rich countries like China to beg for food, you'll shudder at the thought, won't you? You'll have to eat humble pie before you'll turn to China.

Come to think of it, you'll need to crawl to your Chinese uncles to beg for the humble pies too!

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The atmosphere moderates Earth's temperature through heat-trapping greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2).

The ocean is crucial to climate.

It acts as a control knob, absorbing or releasing carbon and heat in response to changes in the atmosphere.

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The scam of climate change was pushed very hard by Al Gore 40 yrs ago. His company made millions selling carbon credits. He now travels by private jet and has a water front property barely 10 above water level. He obviously doesn’t believe sea levels will rise. Neither does he believe his jet is the biggest polluter of the atmosphere. Climate change is a scam to stop the South from using cheap fossil fuel and make it dependent on the West for renewable energy technology.

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What is 90% of global warming?

the ocean

Ninety percent of global warming is occurring in the ocean. Ninety percent of global warming is occurring in the ocean, causing the water's internal heat to increase since modern recordkeeping began in 1955.

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