Wtf difference does it make if the jab is bad news and even a deadly biological weapon or useful population-reduction device?
Malaysian lives are totally dispensable and disposable, no one should really care much for our mutton regardless of how great our fcuking sheep think they are.
Just look at it (if you are bothered) - what kind of lives Malaysian live? There's never been any positive development or change before and after each election, it's always the same moans. Whatever is done or not done, the mutton will always give the same half-alive or half-dead reactions to anything. You get no reaction to nearly everything or incredibly dumb reactions. Visit sites and you'll find out for yourselves.
Do you not see there's hardly any reason for Malaysians to be the usual kiasi obsessed with good health and longevity? It's just that grabbing mentality - grab the obsessions with health, desire for longevity, grab this that everything. Grab more if it is free.
Well now there's the fourth jab - go grab it! There are an unusually large statistically impossible number of our wonders dropping dead all over the place - and way way before time. If your time ain't up yet, it'll be, just wait a short time. Know your time by looking at the charts, study which countries had the jab first, which populations are being shaved.
So, dear sheep, don't get panicky, terrified, paranoid about yer impending death. Life is all about quality. If quality of most Malaysians is just about same as being a kangkong, then why should you get excited over anything?
If it is going to be proved the jabs drastically shorten your lives and reduce that of your future generations, what then are you going to do? I can answer that for you - Nothing! Well, other than moan and feel sorry for yourselves.
You can, of course, think about going on a rampage, your last rampage (if you are not bedridden already) against all those that have shortened your miserable lives. But you'll have plenty of difficulties doing that, you've never ever even got out your hovel or even look up from your feeding trough to partake in anything the slightest political - or even social.
Alas, what lives wasted, lost.
Well, the moral of the Mullah's story is - why fret or moan or even think about it: being alive and dead is the same for you, it won't make the slightest difference with either for you.
It will also make no difference to Bill Gates once you've paid for his licences...
Wtf difference does it make if the jab is bad news and even a deadly biological weapon or useful population-reduction device?
Malaysian lives are totally dispensable and disposable, no one should really care much for our mutton regardless of how great our fcuking sheep think they are.
Just look at it (if you are bothered) - what kind of lives Malaysian live? There's never been any positive development or change before and after each election, it's always the same moans. Whatever is done or not done, the mutton will always give the same half-alive or half-dead reactions to anything. You get no reaction to nearly everything or incredibly dumb reactions. Visit sites and you'll find out for yourselves.
Do you not see there's hardly any reason for Malaysians to be the usual kiasi obsessed with good health and longevity? It's just that grabbing mentality - grab the obsessions with health, desire for longevity, grab this that everything. Grab more if it is free.
Well now there's the fourth jab - go grab it! There are an unusually large statistically impossible number of our wonders dropping dead all over the place - and way way before time. If your time ain't up yet, it'll be, just wait a short time. Know your time by looking at the charts, study which countries had the jab first, which populations are being shaved.
So, dear sheep, don't get panicky, terrified, paranoid about yer impending death. Life is all about quality. If quality of most Malaysians is just about same as being a kangkong, then why should you get excited over anything?
If it is going to be proved the jabs drastically shorten your lives and reduce that of your future generations, what then are you going to do? I can answer that for you - Nothing! Well, other than moan and feel sorry for yourselves.
You can, of course, think about going on a rampage, your last rampage (if you are not bedridden already) against all those that have shortened your miserable lives. But you'll have plenty of difficulties doing that, you've never ever even got out your hovel or even look up from your feeding trough to partake in anything the slightest political - or even social.
Alas, what lives wasted, lost.
Well, the moral of the Mullah's story is - why fret or moan or even think about it: being alive and dead is the same for you, it won't make the slightest difference with either for you.
It will also make no difference to Bill Gates once you've paid for his licences...
The top 0.1% will succeed in decimating the world's population by half in 10 years time.