That picture of what is badged as a DAP militia girl is obviously a fake.
No way has the DAP anyone half as pretty, the Dirty Arsewipe Party has really ugly grannies, starting first with Muddle Teresa, then Hannah "G*d-fearing" Evangelista, then Nieching the Itching... and so on...
No wonder the Dirty Arsewipe Party can never never get anywhere without khalwat with its enemies, just a simple task of making the party a bit more attractive than a collection of old moo hags, and it's already fcuked it all up!
We oughtg to take stock of our 'outrage' at the Madani censorship sweeeping Malaysia. Is it really outrage? Is it really about ceensorrshhip or about who it is thats censoring
Bersih, the Malaysian Bar and those outrageously one sided publications online that supported the ousting of DS Najib and his government outside the ballor box first with US and European government funds were never really democratic. Ever. They did not support free speech. They supported and nurtured a Maoist type culture of shouting any opposition to them down.
They survived, thrived on a culture of censorship. The pro Anwar factions of the oppposition in Malaysia practised the censorship of 'it is either my way or the highway'.
One could not even make a comment on their websites before they would descend upon a contrarian view like Mao's revolutionary red guards hurling insults at anyone with the termerity to question their 'truths'.
HJillary Clinton's wisdom to such people as she preached it to the Pakistanis clearly escaped this mob. They were after all a by product of her foreign ppolicy. To the Pakistanis she said (over tthe problems they creaated for India nurturring terrorists on their soil) "You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them to only bite your neighbour".
Having bred these snakes today who censsor the so called free media in Malaysia, "well you made your bed with Anwar, you now lie in it".
"a Maoist type culture of shouting any opposition to them down"
Don't think you know anything about any "Maoist type culture", it's just your rabid anti-anything Chinese disease.
If you know anything about Malaysia it's entirely like the red-shirted Brownshirts of Ketuanan shout themselves stupid as if they are not already incredibly stupid. You can find these monkeys in the streets rioting and threatening riots and violence - the intellectually-stunted monkeys even put on shows hitting themselves, breaking wooden planks and bricks, sometimes on their numbskulls.
The fcuking apes have not evolved to using tools, humans can use hammers to break objects, even chimps, otters, crows, etc can use tools.
I was once in a university here to participate in giving a seminar to postgraduate students. I had to walk with guest participants and had to be escorted through a crowd of fcuking sub-human rabble who invaded the university because some students had organised a teach-in the uncivilised ketuanan monkey outsiders felt was a challenge to their "supremacy".
The only "weapon" the sub-humans had was loudly and noisily menacing some students, wreck their stand, and shouting themselves hoarse, wtf! It was fortunate the threatened bunch was rather genteel and quite ably neutralised those sick monkeys. I later saw some videos nobody even remotely smart should ever be proud of.
"Maoists" are highly intellectual (and intelligent!) folks, they hardly need to get into shouting anything. If you've ever read anything "Maoists" you'll understand how the followers could conquer China and change China into a hard act to follow (especially for our clueless parasite monkeys). When them "Maoists" deemed it necessary, they simply control the barrels of guns and shoot them up the arses of detractors, why shout?
And our ideologically-bankrupt ketuanan monkeys can only capitulate. They did that serving the Japanese during WWII. They did that again when their massahs the Brits had to fight and almost won back their colony Malaya.
Well, the patriots who fought the Japs and then the Brits were folks like Rashid Maidin, Abdullah CD, etc. They were students of Marx, Lenin and Mao, they didn't capitulate to anybody, they never surrendered their arms. I don't believe they were ever into any "Maoist type culture of shouting any opposition to them down".
I think you need take your dog-sh*t "supremacist" fantasies to the new Proton factory, let them exorcise the old rubbish Mamakthir's child out of you and let the nice Chinese Uncles fit you a new engine, Alhamdullilah!
That picture of what is badged as a DAP militia girl is obviously a fake.
No way has the DAP anyone half as pretty, the Dirty Arsewipe Party has really ugly grannies, starting first with Muddle Teresa, then Hannah "G*d-fearing" Evangelista, then Nieching the Itching... and so on...
No wonder the Dirty Arsewipe Party can never never get anywhere without khalwat with its enemies, just a simple task of making the party a bit more attractive than a collection of old moo hags, and it's already fcuked it all up!
We oughtg to take stock of our 'outrage' at the Madani censorship sweeeping Malaysia. Is it really outrage? Is it really about ceensorrshhip or about who it is thats censoring
Bersih, the Malaysian Bar and those outrageously one sided publications online that supported the ousting of DS Najib and his government outside the ballor box first with US and European government funds were never really democratic. Ever. They did not support free speech. They supported and nurtured a Maoist type culture of shouting any opposition to them down.
They survived, thrived on a culture of censorship. The pro Anwar factions of the oppposition in Malaysia practised the censorship of 'it is either my way or the highway'.
One could not even make a comment on their websites before they would descend upon a contrarian view like Mao's revolutionary red guards hurling insults at anyone with the termerity to question their 'truths'.
HJillary Clinton's wisdom to such people as she preached it to the Pakistanis clearly escaped this mob. They were after all a by product of her foreign ppolicy. To the Pakistanis she said (over tthe problems they creaated for India nurturring terrorists on their soil) "You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them to only bite your neighbour".
Having bred these snakes today who censsor the so called free media in Malaysia, "well you made your bed with Anwar, you now lie in it".
"a Maoist type culture of shouting any opposition to them down"
Don't think you know anything about any "Maoist type culture", it's just your rabid anti-anything Chinese disease.
If you know anything about Malaysia it's entirely like the red-shirted Brownshirts of Ketuanan shout themselves stupid as if they are not already incredibly stupid. You can find these monkeys in the streets rioting and threatening riots and violence - the intellectually-stunted monkeys even put on shows hitting themselves, breaking wooden planks and bricks, sometimes on their numbskulls.
The fcuking apes have not evolved to using tools, humans can use hammers to break objects, even chimps, otters, crows, etc can use tools.
I was once in a university here to participate in giving a seminar to postgraduate students. I had to walk with guest participants and had to be escorted through a crowd of fcuking sub-human rabble who invaded the university because some students had organised a teach-in the uncivilised ketuanan monkey outsiders felt was a challenge to their "supremacy".
The only "weapon" the sub-humans had was loudly and noisily menacing some students, wreck their stand, and shouting themselves hoarse, wtf! It was fortunate the threatened bunch was rather genteel and quite ably neutralised those sick monkeys. I later saw some videos nobody even remotely smart should ever be proud of.
"Maoists" are highly intellectual (and intelligent!) folks, they hardly need to get into shouting anything. If you've ever read anything "Maoists" you'll understand how the followers could conquer China and change China into a hard act to follow (especially for our clueless parasite monkeys). When them "Maoists" deemed it necessary, they simply control the barrels of guns and shoot them up the arses of detractors, why shout?
And our ideologically-bankrupt ketuanan monkeys can only capitulate. They did that serving the Japanese during WWII. They did that again when their massahs the Brits had to fight and almost won back their colony Malaya.
Well, the patriots who fought the Japs and then the Brits were folks like Rashid Maidin, Abdullah CD, etc. They were students of Marx, Lenin and Mao, they didn't capitulate to anybody, they never surrendered their arms. I don't believe they were ever into any "Maoist type culture of shouting any opposition to them down".
I think you need take your dog-sh*t "supremacist" fantasies to the new Proton factory, let them exorcise the old rubbish Mamakthir's child out of you and let the nice Chinese Uncles fit you a new engine, Alhamdullilah!