Anwar reminds you of that rebel in your high school. He is popular. When the school made him into a prefect, it is not because he is capable but rather the school needed to stop him from causing endless trouble.

Anwar is also like a bad golfer who endlessly criticise other players. He claims he can hit and putt the ball better then them. He therefore give the impression that he is a good golfer.When given the club to hit the ball, he doesnt even know that was a putter, not a 7 iron. Of course anwar blames everyonelse.

Compare to tun m when he was made pm in 1981, tun m immediately went to work. He implemented punch card to ensure civil servants clock in on time. He announced policies of buying british last and the look east policy, implemented programs after programs to make malaysia great..He built dayabumi, raided the london stock exchange, took over guthrie, announced penang bridge etcand all these within 8 mths of being pm.

Anwar? He simply wanted to be pm. Now he find it harder than he thought.

He hates problem solving. He has azmin to do that for him then. Now he has izzah and kakwan.

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"Now he find it harder than he thought."

The intellectual cabbage doesn't think.

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The article. Seem to point out the negative aspects of the Anwar government.How about the positive aspects taking care not account that Anwar has been power for now 11 months while his predecessors had more than 11 years.

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"How about the positive aspects"

Yes, how about them? Let's hear some propaganda.

"... 11 months while his predecessors had more than 11 years"

This measurement is damn stupid, but "Reformasi" Anwar in "11 months" has caused more suffering and grief than our other political monkeys in "more than 11 years".

Mullah Anwar should leave gomen and even politics, put on slippers and robe, go round the country to convert the kafirs, that's his calling, Ameen.

The converted Tamil is actually just a common kampong big-talking bull manure peddlar and has absolutely no talent. He should (finally) retire from politics, stop being Gandhi, Mandela, Jesus H Christ and the Holy Hantu, "God's Gift to Malaysia", while he's only a big mouth with no substance, take pride in his only achievement he's managed to fool so many of our intellectual retards and his bunch of half-witted disciples he's designed to turn against him, bravo!

Anwar was only ever "good" playing Himmler to the Hitler Mahathir.

Malaysians should tell the useless kampong clown to bugger off their lives, not wait for another lifetime to discover the emperor has no clothes.

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So the previous governments were good and Anwar's is bad is it. You sound very negative

By the way are you Malaysian.

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What gave you the impression I thought the "previous governments" were "good". Because I appear to you to not have "positive" view of Anwar should not mean I have "positive" view of "the previous governments". That's too much of black and white thinking.

I should be permitted in Anwar's Reich to have any view. Including one that does not see him as an entity of decency, integrity, competence, ability, whatever else. If I may further permit myself to have an opinion, I don't see Anwar as Gandhi, Mandela, Rizal, or Jesus H Christ. Or a good neighbour from down the street.

And please don't get the Gestapo to come knock on my door 4am in the morning, I can't spare my good tea, and I don't have any camel urine for the jackboots either.

What has whether I am "Malaysian" got to do with anything? Your gracious is implying only "Malaysians", perhaps only Anwar lovers are permitted to say something?

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Obviously you seem very angry and not clear about what is going on.. Don't worry there is no Gestapo here in Malaysia.

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"you seem very angry and not clear about what is going on"

That's a very apt description of the bargain basement psychic bomoh in you.

"Don't worry there is no Gestapo here in Malaysia"

I should worry, I, too, sense something untoward would happen to this site. Like what's happening to those not particularly flattering in their views on Mullah Anwar, they are getting cancelled by the Gestapo without a German name.

Yes, I am Malaysian. No, I don't need you to police me, Mr Brownshirt.

So you can fcuk off.

With Mullah Anwar too!

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"Whoever is not grateful to the people who stood by them in times of crisis and despair is not grateful to Him." Al-Tirmidhi (824-892)

The Tirmidhi quote, Murray, is a universal reminder that when we show appreciation for the generosity of others during our trying times, we ultimately express our gratitude to a higher power.

This context is relevant to Anwar's situation, where he received support from PAS, and only PAS, in his dark days, given that PAS platformed his Reformasi movement. A hint of his appreciation is his prioritisation of Hari Raya celebrations in PAS states, a testament to his gratitude towards the party that supported him.

As an aside, it was a DAP member in 1997 who mentioned the allegation of sodomy, which triggered his 1998 sacking as deputy prime minister. In 2017, he supported a PAS offshoot as a component of Pakatan Harapan and in 2019, he endorsed Muafakat Nasional, the PAS-UMNO amalgamation.

Essentially, PAS and PKR are both sides of the same coin, but with finesse and sensitivity, Anwar represents a soft landing while navigating Malaysia's Islamisation.


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"Essentially, PAS and PKR are both sides of the same coin.."

Yes, crap Malaysian currency too.

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Let's not have it incestuous between the brothers only, a lot of Chinese and Indians supported and still support Mullah Anwar.

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