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"not the only funny thing going on within the court system"

Let's have more funny things while our comedians are at it - free Bossku, Rosmah, and all the rest of the crooked and corrupt politicians, cronies, and whoever else that make up our political garbage. We should dispense pardons and forgive politicians freely, let the crooks return to politics fast track.

Our rotten politicians manufacture rotten fermented garbage, you can't expect it to produce anything wholesome and fresh. Since we take such great pride in our belacan on two-legs, we should make the best of rotting our gomen, judiciary, anti-corruption outfits, crap legal system, opportunistic, bent lawyers, gomen, Madani, Maidan, and everything else, as sure we can, Malaysiaboleh!

Remember, Malaysians, you voted for shiite, you get shiite.

And you deserve shiite!

You get used to belacan, anything rotten and smells like heaven to you can only be heaven on earth. Over time you'll get used to the Anwar brand of Zahid belacan, mmm... sniff the holy camel's arse, doesn't that smell heavenly, Alhamdullilah?!

Wait for your two free gifts, pardoned Bossku and Rosmah, and what a blessed country we live in, Praise Be, Alleluyah..!

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Madani government stopped the trial. All seems to be fixed.

Zahid's courage to help Anwar be pm has now been rewarded.

We pray that Zahid will not commit anymore crimes. Anwar is anti corruption.😃

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"Anwar is anti corruption"

He is sinless too.

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He did sin. He bought a Brioni suit for saiful.that is the most expensive jacket in the world, other than Bijan. then he sodomised the poor felo until anus rapture. Gh hospital cofirmed it. So did pusrawi hospital.

That is sinful.

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"until anus rapture"


Are ye sure it's Saiful and not Assmin? There's at least here's a video of an Assmin lookalike supposedly getting an anus rupture but there ain't any of Saiful getting any rapture, Christian or otherwise.

Still, there's nothing stopping Anwar hopping alone to a mosque to swear most solemnly he's not done no anus rupture or rapture.

This is not to say even when he swears he hasn't, he's into or not into rupturing or rapturing anuses.

Muslims should pursue the matter all the way, pressure Anwar to get going, swear at a mosque and settle the question once and for all. Not doing that can and should mean Malaysia's PM Anwar does the Islamic unholy to unfortunate or fortunate anuses.

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They're trying to avoid having to drag in KJ and DG again to answer for their decisions which has now being proven to be bunk with recent scientific studies coming out to discredit their actions during the pandemic, including the vaccines safety. A lot of hanky panky went on and plenty of scientific journal/data now exposing Pfizer MRNA jabs. If this court case is allowed to fully take place, KJ and DG HAS to answer these scientific studies and this will go mainstream, and finally Malaysians will learn they were tricked to take experimental jabs with long term immunosuppressive consequences. They will try to drag the case until end of the year if possible because that's the period where we will go through another scripted lockdown globally and then enforce new vaccine mandates while suppressing the discussion of the scientific journals/data to prevent the public from learning the truth about the vaccines. This is to prevent any attempts to fight back against the upcoming potentially coercive or mandatory covid jabs.

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This is an attempt to suppress (expect) expert opinion ...

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