It doesn't take too much effort to find doctors that think excess deaths MAY be related to the vaccines that were fast tracked during the pandemic.

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Have you met any doctor who's made that discovery about the vaccines?

And is perhaps qualified as part of a group of doctors qualified to speak on the matter, bearing in mind one needs to have the capability to address the issue of excess deaths scientifically.

Not just any doctor will do, Bolehland-qualified doctors often can't even tell their elbows from their arses.

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"... similar excess mortality rates are occurring across the world, and have not been explained."

Can't expect our clueless, lazy, slow, incompetent wonders to be amazingly different, jump to attention, and miraculously produce an intelligent answer.

Ok, guys, false alarm, now go to sleep.

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I believe all 194 UN countries are complicit in the depopulation agenda! Just as they likely are in the global compact on migration

which is seen in the west!

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