Mahathir has nothing intelligent to write about. He is no Lee Kuan Yew and he knows it and can’t stand it! Good riddance to bad rubbish to an evil man!

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Frankly... ask any layman... who respect him nowadays? They will be no legacy left behind by him... and at his age, with one foot in the grave...better to spend time with cucu instead of spitting nonsense and racist remarks and comments... and for sure, many are wanting to line up and pee at his grave... for 'screwing' their life and nation all these years! knn :( :( :(

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Whatever he write. Take my words he will twist n turn to his fancy to justify his wrong to right. Do you think he will admit all he has done to msia so bad from race to religion issues.

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It would be good if he could write a book on how "The Art of Perfect Corruption" and "How to steal from a country without a Trace". Will definitely be 101 best sellers for lots of politicians around the world!

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