Jul 3·edited Jul 4

Aye, I vote we increase the pay of the bureaucrats. You have to respect the power of the glorified penpushers, for, without them, the other monkeys in gomen can't make a proper better mess of the country.

Take Hindustan for example, it is the little Adolfs in the bureaucracy who wield power and who dictate how policies should work, or rather, should not work. Every little Adolf must exercise his power, however much or little, and make himself as much of a little giant Hindurance of everything as possible. And that's why India is permanently in the Stone Age, and permanently in the united nations of blessed sh*thole countries.

Hindia frequently boasts about defeating China if there's a war the Hindustanis are too afraid to start. While Hindustan won't last two full weeks if there's a war. The transport, comms, supplies, etc bureaucratic monkeys will do everything to hinder and show power is in their hands.

Whereas our bureaucratic monkeys will be just about happy if you flow with their well-developed "Rasuah Route". Thank Allamighty, in Bolehland there's the creative Chinese who's united with our bureaucrat monkeys in providing the express route to anything.

Bolehland bureaucrats are happy if you don't rock the boat that constantly deliver their nourishment. The Hindia bhais will not just take bribes but would in addition squat all day by the pavement and yabber and gesture with their windmill arms endlessly until they are satisfied you've shown them "respect". The Hindian Ministry of Fat Vegetarian Bureaucrats will often terrorise with their weird rubber neck head movements when they yabber and yabber noisily.

But take heart, Bolehland follows close behind, Bolehland bureaucracy is a pirate copy of the Hindustani one. Except perhaps the Bolehland copy is much lazier and often "work from home". Bolehland bureaucrats are ninjas at the art of disappearing and skiving from work, their motto is "On Leave". That's not altogether a bad thing since our bureaucrat monkeys are best left to do nothing than create disasters when they touch something called "work".

The moral of the story is, Hindustan will never be able to take on the Chinese military for a hundred years because the Hindustani bureaucrat monkeys will prove their worth by indirectly aiding China. While our bureaucrat monkeys feather their beds while keeping the country in the Stone Age of development and progress.

And that will be the day our gutless politicians find half a testicle to take on the bureaucracy. Just keep topping their pay, and shut up.

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Malaysia spend 55bil on fuel subsidies, 45bil to pay interests on loans, 110bil on salary, 40bil on pensioners and theres only 50bil left to be spent on development. Hence borrow some more.

Pmx should think of selling some of those hydrocarbon reserves for cash 50b upfront, implement gst for extra 40b, invest in ai based stocks using epf money that will give 30b returns and another fire up smes to add another 10% to its gdp hence additional 20b in taxes

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