These chaps may want to change the name to something more catchy and meaningful from Urimai to something less attractive to critics who see it at first quick glance as "Urinal". Whats so Right as this group of perpetual failures to call themselves Right in Tamil?

Better still they can refer tothemselves as "Akkya Madaian" or "Muttalkal"

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Urumia will end up the same way as Hindraf and other so called political parties caring for the "marginlized" end up. Full of pious platitudes, a martyr and persecuted complex, but no real objective or purpose.

The moment you begin by seeing yourself as an underdog you are the underdog. Your focus is on uplifting something thats not there. Nothing inclusive in this party.

Ramasamy with all his academic credentials could not see where he was when he served the worst enemy of the Indians and Malays in the Chinese chauvinistic DAP. The DAP consists of a bunch of Chinamen whose sole objective is to dominate the Malaysian state and establish an extension of the Kuomintang state therein.

If he could ot see the DAP for what it was, how the hell is he going to see wheere he is gong with his Urimai for the "Marginalised"?

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