Anwar must submit to china imperious nature.anwar can discuss all he wants but the chinese claim the spratly island that malaysia claim is theirs.
Ghadafi and Saddam was killed because they wanted to trade petrol in other than USD.
Can you imagine what will haplen to pmx?
Those mou,i have been to many. It is just a show. Anwar should get tun m to advise how best to deal with US and China.
Anwar lies to malaysian public.he talk clever.Now he thinks he can lie to China?
The slant towards Muslim economics will not work either way.
What muslim economics?
It is economics or it's politics. Giving economics a religious conotation is rather divisive. Why not just economics for all?
Anwar must submit to china imperious nature.anwar can discuss all he wants but the chinese claim the spratly island that malaysia claim is theirs.
Ghadafi and Saddam was killed because they wanted to trade petrol in other than USD.
Can you imagine what will haplen to pmx?
Those mou,i have been to many. It is just a show. Anwar should get tun m to advise how best to deal with US and China.
Anwar lies to malaysian public.he talk clever.Now he thinks he can lie to China?
The slant towards Muslim economics will not work either way.
What muslim economics?
It is economics or it's politics. Giving economics a religious conotation is rather divisive. Why not just economics for all?