Will anyone believe AI ? Malaysia is host and patron to a dozen Muslim radicals from the world. Who knows what’s going on between him and them.

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From treatingg him like a demi god to now suggesting no on trusts him is quite a radical depature from your starting point Mr. Chinaman.

Anwar is a very clever man. I do not necessarily subscribe to his brand of politics which is like our own. Beleving you had a donkey you could harness to advance the avaracius land grabbing amibitions of the Chinese like you in Malaysia, you were kicked by that same donkey and now call it untrutworthy.

The Malay of today is not the Malay of the past. Come to terms with it. You are a bunch of idiots of your own making by believing every Malay is as generous and foolhardy as the Tengku was.

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AI a clever man?

He is better described as a chameleon. But, I must give AI credit for being able to mimick the lallang which sways every which way the wind blows.

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"The Malay of today is not the Malay of the past."

Who cares?!

Chicken Korma, why does it matter what vintage the Malays are? It is not as if wan is buying a bottle of champagne.

And how would an irrelevant dirt digger dirt track squatting coolie wonder like you know? You are foaming rabid holy bullock shiite at your big mouth exactly like those subcontinental coolie wallahs you ape. When posturing they can now take on the Chinese after that gigantic sound whacking the Chinese dealt them in the border war of 1962, the brown-black coolies and peasants now warn the Chinese "the Indians of today are not the Indians of 1962".

The Indians, as usual over-impressed with themselves don't seem to be at all conscious the Chinese of today are far ahead and far far more advance than the Chinese of 1962. The world hasn't stood still, the Indians have.

Still, I won't give a pig's arse where the Malays stand or sit today, tomorrow, or yesterday. Why should I?! I'm not writing about time travel, or some kind of history or fiction, where the Malays are or are not. No offence, I'm just not interested in the least. And I'm pretty certain lots of other people aren't either.

So elevating your self or "the Malays" to even two mm above your midget stature won't produce anything useful like eg guano. It just gives the sorry impression there's a big load of inferiority about and for some weird reasons you need desperately to address that.

Learn from the Chinese, Chicken Korma, they aren't interested in you or "the Malays", so forcing interest about what to you may be the most important subject of your sad life would not get you the attention you're so desperate for.

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