Chicken Korma, ye silly ass! It's Manufactured Content, you are inventing a whore load of lies, nonsense, misinformation, bullock shiite, distortion, and contortion as you go along your pretense at being the most "knowledgeable" and "intellectual" two-penis turkey in the plantation.

Might you want to cite the sources for your blessed output, I would take you on, point by point of your trans powder room bitch.

Carry on with your usual best and you'll squat shoulder to shoulder on the dirt track with that famed bullock shiite peddlar blood relative of yours - Ketuananwar Ibraggin'. Like your dear backside-bonking sportswallah cousin, you are another rather satanic wallah lying on the hoof.

So, as you play "Chancellor" for your pork lard imaginary "university" providing your distorted and falsified data for your let's see if you've actually got half the real stuff to at least back up some of your dirt-diggerwallah pavement squatter rant.

If you are half-able to look more polished than that former minister for black shoes, I think most of the plantation are on board to pick you to replace that dumb scrubber presently held up with the tough decision over choosing to drink beer in glass mug or to be a fcuking mug blinking yet another moron totally unqualified, like you, to pronounce on shoe colours or eating school lunch in the toilets.

Of you go, Sambo, provide evidence evidence for your Manufactured Content, you are not doing a Bolehland Phoney Donkey, I should hope. Btw, Chicken Korma, have you changed yer dad, you are trying to enter Bolehland with another fake massala name. Is the wallah yer ghostwriterwallah for your Bolehland "university" thesis? Last you commented on that Libyan Saif Gaddafi, PhD, I made you eat shiite by shooting you down for getting everything wrong about everything,, you pathetic Ketuananwar Wan Nabe!

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Pretty common not just in Malaysia but academia in general nowadays. The 500 lb elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about is the fact that global academia needs a paradigm shift, but the system, devised over the centuries, is too entrenched to be uprooted and pruned. We touched upon some of these issues in our article below:


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This is a universal problem. Most post graduate and undergraduate students and graduates in countries such as Australia and the United States lack basic general knowledge and knowledge of curent affairs beyond what they read in tabloids and absorb in their equivalents on TV and in social media. They take these cheap sources of gossip for granted as being a conveyance of fact or the truth.

In Australia, in the United Kingdom, Canada and in the USA (where foreign students from places such as Malaysia, China, some African states and from Eastern and Southern Europe) the level of English as a language is at a substandard level.

Their pre university qualifications are often of a lower standard to that found in many developed countries. This is the result of Margaret Thacher's decisiojn to force tertiary institutions in Britain to fund themselves or privatise.

The US had this model for a long time. Thacher being a staunch Reaganite adopted the same model for the UK to the detriment of the quality of its education system. Australia too followed that route and each has ended up paying the price for that decision to privatise education.

Getting to the PhD problem: The decision of Western governments to focus and fund large lobby groups such as feminists and other identity political groups, has resulted in a tsunami of PhD candidates, as has been discovered in the US and in Australia. Statiscally and from an investigative point of view, a large number of these politically charged social engineers (useful idiots) had been ably assisted by their sympathetic lecturers and supervisors to complete their studies by literally writing their thesis and research for them. In Australia on study showed that around 36% of PhD candidates had submitted questionable thesis and the quality of their work when compared to their progress during that academic journey were like chalk to cheese.

Some extremes include the completing of examinations by disabled women in a vegitative state. Emotion and identity politics make for an explosive disreputable outcome. The case of "Annie" (film of the same name- using a method called "facilitated larning").

These examples have found favour with especially "feminists" women wanting to complete their higher learning without effort and at all costs who have successfully lobbied and won the right to have assistance given to them beyond that usually allowed to other students in a competiitve learning environment.

The Netflix Documentary "College Admission Blues" has shed some light on the subject. Outrageous as it is to some, this is a problem that has endured for some time and is not a new phenomenon. The iea of paying for someone to complete or substitute riginal work for the ork of a stand in has become all too common.

Of course Malaysia has unfortunately followed that path by allowing its standards to drop by apeing the trends in education in the West.

One merely has to listen to the oration of MP Teresa Kok who purports to hold a msters degree in communications from a Malaysian university to understand what it means to be speaking in tongues. She is not alone sadly. Many of Malaysia's lawyers who graduate from English universities ridicule the value of a "British Education" when they open their mouths. Nuff said fo the time being.

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In this country, titles before and after your name matters a lot. Malays believe that these letters make a person. Hence the strong desire to acquire letters before a name. Lately this craze has spread to acquiring letters after your name. Thus the sudden tsunami of PhDs emanating from a local public university. Almost all are of dubious quality, judging by the public statements from these holders of extra letters. The show is more important than the skill. Thus the story of Malays in this country continues.

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Teresa Kok MP is an example of someon who purports to hold a Masters Degree in Communications. Just hearing her speak and reading what she writes debunks your myth that ones name matters. Unles of course you are suggesting a nam like Kok is where the problem lies. What a load of "Kok". But then again there is the late Karpal Singh. One needs an interpreter to understand what he often said unless one is familiar with the Granth Sahib or Punjabi.

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Chicken Korma, your mentally-deficient granddad's choices of your amazing changeable names is nothing to behold.

Whether you have dirty dreams about her or not the Holy Mother made it to the position of at least Bolehland MP.

Karpal Singh sang well, he was no provincial English white man you'd die to worship for "correct English" like a colonial plantation niggah, but out of a nation of what the colonial massahs termed useless and lazy brownish-black monkeys one Karpal stood up and made a place in history for himself! Can't say the same for Ketuanan Inc and the subcontinental monkeys aspiring to be the losers of ketuananism.And And remember, Mamakthir even sold out his race to be the subcontinental wallah who conned the "chosen wans".

Wan can't be critical about the command of English on the part of any Bolehlander, when, considering Bahahasa is a totally made up pidgin of pirated Indon speak, rojak of orphaned Indian, Arabic, Persian, Polynesian, Austronesian grunts, snorts, and both broken Mandarin and even Hokkien dialect. All on top of a pork barbecue of badly-broken Hinglish and Dutch, toasted and murdered to jet black cinders.

With a totally made up patchwork of a pidginspeak what is there really for Ketuanan Inc to be proud of? Oh! Hinglish with a rich variety of subcontinental accents, of course!

Btw, most Malaysian with the benefit of education from those older generation era Hindian teacherwallahs, speak and behave exactly like the bhais here:


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