The Commonwealth games committee need to know if Malaysia needs extra financial support for this new stadium as this is a principally to offer ongoing athletes after the games have offered.

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Blessed are the next many generations to come, for they shall inherit the national or state debt, when he power in authority state or Federal runs out of fund, they just increase the taxes from where they can lay their hands on, accessible by sales tax, service tax, income tax, stamp duty, land tax, etc. They government of the day state or federal behaves and think they own the whole country and the people are their assets. Where is the accountability and transparency? They have forgotten, trusteeship and ownership are two totally different matter. Public servants once in power become public master to act and do what they like. This is the democracy of the worse kind in action.

Will the voters learn anything from such irresponsible and reckless act of the government just to squander the people's money? Who will supervise and keep in check such shameful act of proliferation of corruption so blatantly done in public?

This like a national train running amok without brakes! Can some brave soul, make a police report against open abuse of power by the state government?

Empires came and gone. Nations come and perish in the corridor of history due to intoxication of power and foolishness of failure to discipline and regulate prolificacy of boredom and blindness of purpose.

Those who fail to learn from the collapse and disaster of past human failures are condemn to repeat it. The Greek empire, the British Empire, the Roman empire no matter how great and powerful in their golden ages, eventually collapse in the dust of history due to failure to learn, when the writing were on the walls to warn the wicked power to sober up.

Why is this happening to this country? Only a few serious blunders contributed to this sorrow state of affair by the people and their leaders over time period of many decades.

1. Blindness to see long term. Failure to plan long term. Void of perseverance to execute plan that needs stamina and dedication. "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." ~ Helen Keller.

Lack of wisdom to appreciate and implement wisdom of the past civilization.

Plan for what is difficult, while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Sun Tzu

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao Tzu

2. National illiteracy of a massive scale - Failure to reform and transform education.

"The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time." ~ Peter Drucker(19 Nov 1909-11 Nov 2005)

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

― Alvin Toffler (4 Oct 1928- 27 June 2016)

Malaysian education has budget and fund but void of content what constitute true and real education. If there is any resemblance of education at all it should manifest this direct evidence.

Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave . Henry Peter Brougham ( 19 Sept 1778-7 May 1868)

3. Total neglect to exercise the human faculty of reasoning and thinking, but allow emotions of the wrong kind to be head and decider of national decisions that effect all. When emotion reigns supreme corruption of the Sham Alam stadium scandal is the master piece of achievement!

He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Sir William Drummond (26 Sept 1769-29 March 1828)

Every where we are seeing the collapse of human vanity from USA to Gaza . From Europe to Malaysia almost all nations are marching towards the tunnel of indulgences of the excessive and prolificacy of narcissism. But fear not, there is a God who allows all these sicknesses and wickedness to run full course, so He will come in and usher in a kingdom of His own creation. where finally at long last, the surviving remnant of human kind will experience a world without war,sickness,waste, murder, corruption, poverty and other countless collective failures of godless generation.

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Hi Murray, if you're reading this I had some issues loading all pages and tabs for my previous old comments and also to comment on recent article, tried repeatedly with wifi off and on in case unifi or maxis was slow but both also couldn't load as they kept timing out so I opened them in separate windows so I can continue browsing the main articles until on a hunch I turned on vpn and all the comment windows loaded immediately when I went to them. Not sure if this is my phone settings issue or something. The main page of your articles and the articles themselves loaded without any problems with or without vpn.

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