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Elon Musk is nothing but contemptuous for MacMullah of MacDani. Musk's is but one of the many unreliable and worthless promises and MOUs the MacMullah amassed along the way with his early foray abroad to make it look like he is doing his usual glorious plenty.

A simple look at the great Musk coup would tell you nothing would come materialise. Firstly, Musk, even though the self-publicity would work out more for him than the narcissistic MacMullah, he (Musk) hasn't been doing well at all with Tesla (and X/Twitter).

Secondly, apart from the very slight possibility Bolehland can just about offer a workforce of the calibre to turn screws and bolts, does not have the skilled engineers and R&D personnel to make it worthwhile for Musk to be excited about in the least. Bolehland is no China as car builders, and not even a small market.

Apart from MacMullah getting thoroughly excited, no half-witted Bolehland monkey would seriously believe the big Musk deal would get anywhere. And Musk knows Indonesia is more interesting.

So, so much for the MacMullah going all over the world making himself look important kissing Angmoh asses, more promises and MOUs will fall apart. If the wily Chinese can't get what they want, even they, as part-time fans of the MacMullah will dim the LED lights on MacMullah.

Meanwhile, yes, give everything to the elites and own nothing, that's the way of the WEF and Uncle Surgical Swab. If MacMullah and MacDani are so clueless and useless, being led by the snout by them Western uncles is the only way to go, Alhamdullilah!

So just wait just a little bit more and you'll get yet another failed gomen that you moron monkeys damn well deserve!

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