"Although, this is in breach of the Malaysian Constitution, the WHO will be able to enforce any future calling of a state of emergency through the weight of international law and even sanctions, if necessary."

Let's assume you're an "academic", as you claim, and not actually a fugitive Australian paedophile with a serious drink & drugs problem.

"QUESTION 1: What is the difference between Articles 150(1) and (2) of the Federal Constitution in Malaysia, and the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005? Are the terms "Emergency" used in both conceptually and legally different, or are they identical?" (10 marks)



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"Let's assume you're an "academic", as you claim, and not actually a fugitive Australian paedophile with a serious drink & drugs problem."

Not passing any moral judgement here but you can actually be both. There's nothing that says you can be one but not the other.

Though, in Malaysia, you can hold a local PhD and be a fcuking moron at the same time. I have met not too few local professors too who are both.

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Can anyone name a politician (or two, or three) who prefers bonking with the butt hole and with the same gender? (15 marks)

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Got model answers or not?

Slavish niggah Malaysians can't do without answers by others, preferably the much-worshipped Angmohs massahs.

Given the chance they would like to mark the papers themselves too.

Most of all, nothing better than having the Angmohs rule us again since we have so many sellout politicians without a mind of their own.

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Ironically, most of the Angmohs are just blind Israel-worshiping christian zionists, they are incapable of ruling anything not even themselves.

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They still inspire our Angmoh-butt kissing Christian Zionists and Christian fundamentalists, "G*d-fearing, WEF and all that...

And they hover over water all the way to Israel where they get thumped and spat on by the Yahudis they love with all their might and all their strength.

Them religious do work in mysterious ways, Amen and all that...

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When the new Agong takes office, he guarantees he will personally handle all issues. Parliament will be sidelined. So will be the judiciary etc. He says so in the interview with the Straits Times. So every five years we will have a new Agong who will have a new set of values etc. There will be chaos.

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Actually, we can do without elections, just have a monarch, save a lot of money.

And we don't have to put up with our clueless, useless and worthless sh*t-for-brain politicians.

All will be well, provided we don't have the likes of Memali Mo, Mullah Anwar, MyDummy politicians getting delusional and convinced they are scum kind of royalty too.

Maybe we should have imported royalty, foreign products are always better, and we grovel to the Angmohs, anyway. We can have jug-ears Charlie Windsor who may lose his throne one of these days.

Maybe we can have George Soros, he's already a grandpa to those sellouts of our country.

Or we could have Prince Salman Rusdie, he's already a king of sort, can rule two countries in one go. He's filthy rich and he's Arab. And our cheap Arab copies can look more upmarket and legit if Salman decrees we can all be almost genuine Arabs, drink camel piss like the pros

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