You may wish to correct this sentence...it doesnt make any sense...grammatically or factually..

"'Due to the short concrete runway of 5,906 feet (1,800 metres) and its 30 metre width, only aircraft such as the ATR-32, Airbus A319, Boeing 737 could operate to and from the airport. This limited seats to 80-90 per flight"'.........the Airbus and Boeing aircraft have 120 plus seats (as I am sure you are aware). I am assuming that the short runway means only prop planes suc as the ATR/Dash8 can land there and not the bigger jets alluded to in your story (and not taking anything away from the actuial point you were making..:-)

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Apr 24·edited Apr 26

Blimey! I thought "short runway" meant "swimming pool" where lack of meritocracy and apartheid means those who could have been better were denied the chance to fly helicopters...

And, f u too, those who think I should put on ashes and sackcloths and cry in a day of national mourning, just find out for yourselves the number of helicopter crashes we've had over just not many years... Seriously, can any country be that fcuking hopeless?!

Malaysia, a country where the airforce jet engines can fly without pilots all the way to South America! Where the radars are your sleeping partners. Where the warships supposed to be delivered are so stealthy they can't be found.

And where any old wanker can get his honorary navy admiral uniform to clown around and shag himself in.

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