Magnanimity comes from the winner. Pedra Branca or Batu Putih could not have been decided the way it turned out for the simple reason they had instructing lawyers like Noor Faridah who did not know whether it was her mouth or her rectum she was thinking and speaking out of.

The fact is that Singapore is an artificial state carved out of the Malay peninsula by the British. And Pedra Branca if thats what you want it called was never part of ancient Singapore because there was no ancient Singapore. But there was an ancient Malaya. It belonged to Malaya from time immemorial.

To assume that Singaapore the artificial state had a time tested and historic claim that is valid was a fiction the court settled on not because that was the case but because the Faridah Noors of this world could not impress upon the court the facts and the history that underpinned their claim to that rock.

It is like saying the British had a legitimate claim to the island of Hong Kong because they could prove they were there for 250 years when in fact, at the time they ruled the world had the power, the might and the money to do as they pleased with someone elses land.

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Chicken Korma, you are as usual at your plantation niggah "lawyer" and chickensh*t constitutional law "specialist" best pontificating through your "rectum".

Without yabbering all over the dirt road side and squatting to give your plantation niggah sermon to your fellow niggah wallahs who are not overwhelmed by your genius, and those who don't want to know or want to know but don't want to be held hostage by your inability to know when to stop yabbering, the key points are not within the grasp of your cotton-pickin' mind.

Firstly, Bolehland gomens and bureaucracies through the ages simply does not have any capable mind to think its way out of a soggy paperbag. That's how stupid our ruling elite has always been. To make matters worse our chickenshit "supremacists" are also too lazy to use their midget heads to think.

Our clueless, hapless, useless, and worthless monkeys therefore never worked out their road to salvation is to appoint plantation niggah "genius" monkeys like you to save them and country for free. Hence, even those needy monkeys have not even discovered you despite your endless dispensing of advice and plantation monkey wisdom.

Secondly, being worse than a freaking nobody, no one has ever noticed you when you sermonise through both your "rectums", you are left to posture and lord it uber allies on this site where, again, no one would buy you a pint of camel urine just to benefit from your continuous long rabid spouting through your snout.

These days I rarely go through your rants fully, I know you will only be saying the same old same old nonsense, guessing what rot you are going to froth at your snout about is all too easy.

Where there's your compulsion to yabber on and on about, the simple fact that Bolehland hasn't any sharp legal pigeon to even half-tackle anything, and you are just a plantation niggah "lawyer" with no fawning fans and no audience with the ruling elite, the end result can be summed up in the equation: 0 + 0 =?

When Bolehland pits itself against the likes of Singland, mere mortal Bolehland monkeys would know right at the start our monkeys in gomen and our plantation "lawyers" would be wiped on their own prima faeces. And on top of that the litchee is old Harry Lee forever making an ass of Bolehland kampong plantation genius Mamakthir each time our Kerala Krait tried to "outsmart" Lee. Same with our other gomen monkeys, and that's how fcuking hopeless our monkeys are!

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Pity that you need to using derogatory language to put your point across. You would have gained much respect if you were to argue your point cigently without vulgarity.

Those who lack substance between their ears tend to use such language to mask their deficiency

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Ah Loh, ma man, shove your "pity" up your granny's! Don't be over burdened by the whatever "substance" oozing between your parts for a divine silk purse, Herr Moderator.

I write the way I write, I haven't read the laws according to your empire. I write in the belief you are at least a half-grown adult and not a fcuking fragile flower of a poofter, sticks and stones and all that...

You run a fcuking Sunday school for your holy grandfather, rinse your mouth with battery acid, stand in the hot sun, bend over for the priest, otherwise, Amen?

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Dato' Noor Farida Ariffin, the Co- Agent of Malaysia for the Pulau Batu Puteh Case has had a long and distinguished career spanning 36 years in the Public Service. After completing her legal studies at the Inns of Court in London she joined the Judicial and Legal Service in February 1971 where she served in various capacities including magistrate, senior assistant registrar in the High Courts of Kuala Lumpur and Penang, legal officer with the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Department,Director of the Legal Aid Bureau and Sessions Court Judge.

Yet and inspite of her numerous 'outstanding achievements' in the legal and administrative services she was unable to do anything of any merit or impact in the Batu Putih matter. Singapore according to a Brownlie note and confirmed by Luterpacht two of the English speaking world's foremost authorities in public international law, commented that Singapore's case was weak.

However and from the results of the case, it appears Malaysia's case was even weaker because of the presence fof the likes of Dato' Noor Farida Ariffin, a woman whose rapid rise with the services and in government was built on powerful connections and patronage. Merit was not a criteria in each of the steps on the ladder to her fame.

A cursory reading on social media of her criticisms of government and individuals she did not like whilst funded by open societies and the NED clearly indicates that her understanding of the law and constitution is below what one could justifiably expect of a former magistrate, judge, lawyer and diplomat.

Dato' Noor Farida Ariffin, and people like her benefitted immensely from the largesse of the Mahathir era but sadly and is also an example of one of these beneficiaries outsiders will always use to discredit the positive discrimination policies of the NEP.

Good luck to Datuk Anwar in his endevours to right the wrongs of people like Dato' Noor Farida Ariffin, and the judgement of the ICJ.

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Korma Chicken, for all the rundown and judgement you furnished on the actors you seemingly blame for our loss of an island pile of rock, how is it possible that you haven't offered yourself to the nation to do a better service than write your version of their CVs?

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The problem with the Pedra Banca case is that we Malaysians give all sort of excuses for the loss.

A whole panel of international jurists was on hand to pass judgement.

Singapore won fair and square. Let us be magnanimous and accept the loss with grace.

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"A whole panel of international jurists was on hand to pass judgement."

So what?

A "whole panel" was on hand too to "pass judgement" on China's claim in the South China Sea.

But guess what? From the outset China knew it didn't have to agree to the famous "judgement".

And it didn't.

China can also refuse to agree. It doesn't have to just because some "whole" or half panel of "international jurists". Most of such outfits are around to perpetuate old colonial orders, and only slavish colonial monkeys need uphold such blatant injustice.

Well, who's waiting to fight China on Bolehland's claim to some islands there?

We surrender? We don't use noisy genius plantation lawyer Chicken Korma to fight our corner? We wait for the Sulu pirates to come fight for us? We wait till the fight is over and we do some nice post-mortem on our loss? We take a backhander sell off our sovereignty? We hide under the blanket do nothing till it's all over?

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"give all sort of excuses"

That, plus two free gifts.

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