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I normally don't agree with Tun Mahathir but there are times I have to admit he is right. He said during his time there were far less censorship. It's true. Under PMX we get the taste of "reformasi " Whenever any in the government regardless of which want to censor they use porn etc as an excuse. But of course they throw the baby out with the bath water. I personally have been censored so many times and in a number of ways that nobody believe in me.

Regarding a separate matter I know many people will think I am crazy to suggest this. We need to get Tun Mahathir back as Prime Minister. Yes yes yes.I know I know I know. He is no good etc...

BUT he is the only jantan left ie among the Malays who can solve the current problem we are facing. Don't ask me what problem. It's so bad I can get into trouble just mentioning it. If you have IQ of a cow you would know what I am talking about. Non Malays can't even smell it let alone be jantan to solve it. Tun Mahathir have done it before. You know what I mean. Even back then he was the only jantan to do it. All the rest of the jantan went WOKE and became transgender. If it's not him then who. We need to get the Dr. out of the house. It's no time to make house calls. If he "goes" then we have no hope of solving it. He if course need SATU full term in office. Not satu suku atau tiga suku sebab dia bukan tiga suku. Anyway Mr. PMX is clueless on how to fix our problems especially the economy. Nighter does the rest of the Malay heroes. At least Tun Mahathir knows something. It's not that there are no Malaysian who can but wrong color. Everything in Bolihland is about color dulu. So hope we can tahan and bring him back.

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