This is a universal pheomeno promoted by th Soros Foundatio and Open Scieties movemet (another name for Regime Change). It is all about disruption, a process and a tactic adopted from Mao Tze Tung's revolutionary playbook (bear in mid Soros is a self confessed communist sympathizer with a free market bent to his thinking).
Disruption is his creed. Where and when there is chaos people like Soros (and the late John Paul Getty) dive into markets and buy at rock bottom prices where others fleeing the chaos are despeately selling what they own.
In Malaysia we have our fair share of "useful idiots" for the causes of the rich and powerful like Soros. They include teachers and students (many of the latter without capacity to sue by virtue of their minority by age).
This is a universal pheomeno promoted by th Soros Foundatio and Open Scieties movemet (another name for Regime Change). It is all about disruption, a process and a tactic adopted from Mao Tze Tung's revolutionary playbook (bear in mid Soros is a self confessed communist sympathizer with a free market bent to his thinking).
Disruption is his creed. Where and when there is chaos people like Soros (and the late John Paul Getty) dive into markets and buy at rock bottom prices where others fleeing the chaos are despeately selling what they own.
In Malaysia we have our fair share of "useful idiots" for the causes of the rich and powerful like Soros. They include teachers and students (many of the latter without capacity to sue by virtue of their minority by age).