The fact of colonial drawing of borders in their colonies the world over has to be dealt with by all former colonies whose borders are disputed. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

If you support another similar situation elsewhere on the basis of religious affiliations and doctrines, then you seal your own fate domestically. Kashmir and Palestine are but two great examples of the point. Both for different reasons.

Kashmir is an ancient Hindu Kingdom where after the Pandits (Hindus) and Sikhs were driven out by Muslim migrant landless peasants from Pakistan (also part of the undivided India), over the years to justify its claim by Pakistan on grounds of religion. Hindusm predates Islam by several millenium.

Maharajah Hari Singh's principality of Jammu and Kashmir became the cause celebre of Muslims in Pakistan and the world over which complicated the other problem a more just cause called Palestine. In Palestine Jews, a religious cult claimed rights to that block of land on a "promise fom God". It legitimised Pkaistan's existence and its claims to all of Kashmir including the the two thirds they could not conquer through an invasion in 1948.

Oddly enough the Saudi's and other Gulf emirate states now acknowledge Kashmir as being an integral part of India.

The discovery of secret documents hidden by the Nehru clan for 7 decades which led to the implementation of article 370 of the Indian constitution c by the BJP governtment in India, clearly shows how post independence rulers of former colonies like Nehru and Jinnah (appointed and approved of by their colonial masters) were instrumental in advancing the colonial plan for rule by stealth of formerr colonies after independence.

The other glaring breach of international law and a distortion of history comes in the form of Palestine. A European colony of mainly Europeans whose claim to Palestine comes from a fiction called Zion (a place thats long existed in Maharashtra in Mumbai called Zion a rashtra ( or the land of Zion).

Palestine today recognized as Israel was created immediately following World War II in the post colonial era where mutli lateral bodies like the UN was wholly controlled by Europeans and the US. China to its credit at the time abstained from the vote that created Israel.

Palestinians although largely Arab and Muslim has always been a secular people. The oldest church in the world in Christianity was bombed to smitherines by Israel 2 years ago in an effort to demolish any signs of scularism there.

The Arabs cashed in on the Palestinian problem and enriched themselves at their expense. They divided a desperate people along religious or sectarian lines and thus weakened them. Shia, Alaite versus Sunni. But this is now changing with a new breed of Arab and Muslim rulers emerging.

Till we come to terms with history and the deception and treacherey of our own rulers (like the Sultan of Johor's family cedeing Singapore to the British then to the Lee family) The Johor sultanate as agents of the British, French, Dutch, Belgians, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and Germans , makes sure we cannot solve such otherwise simple matters as our regionoal territorial disputes.

Note the British and South East Asian Chinese attempts to grab Sarawak and Sabah by claiming Malaysia's authority over these states has waned through betrayals and non performance over the years.

Yet none of Britain and those nations that spawn these theories and support the locals who advance it on their behalf for an independent Sarawak and Sabah will take on the plight of the Palestinians which remains the bloodiest, most cruel and unlawful dispossession of a people and the appropriation of their land to the benefit of fomer colonials.

Anwar must bide his time. Rome wasn't built in a day. The truth will emerge sooner than later wth the tectonic change today in international relations. No more do the Europeans and Americans (and their agents in Australia or New Zealand or Canada have the power they once weilded over the rest of the world.

They support Israel knowing fully well that if the lie of Israel's legitimacy once extinguished relagates these white settler nations to the status of illegal occupiers of other people's lands. Already New Zealand and Australia are smoking.

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" The border fence was built between 1995 and 1996 when Shahidan Kasim was the Menteri Besar of Perlis and Mahathir Mohamed was prime minister. Both men have personally inspected this fence."

Siapa perlu jawab.

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