Comprehensive article by the author. However ZBB is not as easy as you may think. Without proper system and expert to handle ZBB, they company will face more problem. If Malaysia truly what to embrace ZBB, we should have better system that produce individual that have proper ZBB experience and expertise. However, current situation will make ZBB hard to be implemented.
Comprehensive article by the author. However ZBB is not as easy as you may think. Without proper system and expert to handle ZBB, they company will face more problem. If Malaysia truly what to embrace ZBB, we should have better system that produce individual that have proper ZBB experience and expertise. However, current situation will make ZBB hard to be implemented.
Comprehensive article by the author. However ZBB is not as easy as you may think. Without proper system and expert to handle ZBB, they company will face more problem. If Malaysia truly what to embrace ZBB, we should have better system that produce individual that have proper ZBB experience and expertise. However, current situation will make ZBB hard to be implemented.