The whole thing smacks of a set-up. Only 5 pairs of socks out of several thousand pairs and in one establishment only. The police did not pursue this avenue of a fix by interested parties but instead proceeded to prosecute the business, with undue haste. From beginning to end it was obvious that it was an attempt to brow beat the Chinese…
The whole thing smacks of a set-up. Only 5 pairs of socks out of several thousand pairs and in one establishment only. The police did not pursue this avenue of a fix by interested parties but instead proceeded to prosecute the business, with undue haste. From beginning to end it was obvious that it was an attempt to brow beat the Chinese. After 60 years of NEP/ketuanan policies, Malays still cannot or unwilling to compete with the NM. Instead they prefer to sit on their backsides and wait for handouts and subsidies, not counting monopolies. They have the money and govt backing but do not even try to develop businesses that can go into public listing. Instead they wait on the sidelines for the Chinese to start, go for listing and then ask for their 35% share. In all other fields of human endeavour, it is the same story. Race based policies, backed by the govt. The situation is reaching its limit. It is about time for everyone to rethink this absurd policy of racism and come to a new agreement. Otherwise, as Outsyedthebox says, Malaysia will join the Club of Doom.
The whole thing smacks of a set-up. Only 5 pairs of socks out of several thousand pairs and in one establishment only. The police did not pursue this avenue of a fix by interested parties but instead proceeded to prosecute the business, with undue haste. From beginning to end it was obvious that it was an attempt to brow beat the Chinese. After 60 years of NEP/ketuanan policies, Malays still cannot or unwilling to compete with the NM. Instead they prefer to sit on their backsides and wait for handouts and subsidies, not counting monopolies. They have the money and govt backing but do not even try to develop businesses that can go into public listing. Instead they wait on the sidelines for the Chinese to start, go for listing and then ask for their 35% share. In all other fields of human endeavour, it is the same story. Race based policies, backed by the govt. The situation is reaching its limit. It is about time for everyone to rethink this absurd policy of racism and come to a new agreement. Otherwise, as Outsyedthebox says, Malaysia will join the Club of Doom.