Sockgate has shown that boycot can make or break an economy. Starbucks,mc donald,kk mart shows that if the public boycot their business, it can break them.

For those that boycot,they need an alternative place to shop. A halal online marketplace should be made available. Products n services must be of halal ceritified such as from jakim that is recognised worldwide.

Halal market is about usd2trillion worldwide. Its time for those businesses that are insensitive to the muslims to be boycotted. Welcome to our own shoppee, the halal version. Beli tanpa was was😍

Tq sockgate. I'll develop one next month.

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The whole thing smacks of a set-up. Only 5 pairs of socks out of several thousand pairs and in one establishment only. The police did not pursue this avenue of a fix by interested parties but instead proceeded to prosecute the business, with undue haste. From beginning to end it was obvious that it was an attempt to brow beat the Chinese. After 60 years of NEP/ketuanan policies, Malays still cannot or unwilling to compete with the NM. Instead they prefer to sit on their backsides and wait for handouts and subsidies, not counting monopolies. They have the money and govt backing but do not even try to develop businesses that can go into public listing. Instead they wait on the sidelines for the Chinese to start, go for listing and then ask for their 35% share. In all other fields of human endeavour, it is the same story. Race based policies, backed by the govt. The situation is reaching its limit. It is about time for everyone to rethink this absurd policy of racism and come to a new agreement. Otherwise, as Outsyedthebox says, Malaysia will join the Club of Doom.

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I worship a stone. Never had no trouble with that.

I would never get excited over any sock, shoe, or beer mat. I have a toaster that creates toasts in the image of Jesus H Christ. You can get several types of such toasters on Amazon. I cannot vouch for the image as they are not the image of a black fella, Jesus H Christ was never a white dood.

Malaisesia is a fcuking ridiculous sh*th*le country of dumbass and dumbfcuk worshippers of either Uncle Mo or Jesus H Christ and they don't really get along - except hypocritically, that's what those who think they are religious are like.

Search Google for "religion and mental illness" and be unpleasantly surprised. Your search would explain why there are so many fcuking nutters in Malaisesia who want to explain to you why they are so convinced their deity or dieties are coming back to Earth soon, wtf

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Stay out of the affairs of the other guy's religion. As long as his practices does not impinge on your legal rights, silence will always prove to be the better option.

Understand that your personal moral framework does not give you any right to judge - much less critique - how the other guy's religion is practiced. Failing to recognise this - especially here in Malaysia - will invariably lead to some dire consequences.

Of course, you could sit on your morally dubious high horse and proclaim how the other guy's religion is faulty. But that only tells me that you are too reckless (or possibly too dumb) to understand the repercussions of you actions. In other words, you're a loose canon of a spoilt brat with an over-inflated ego who has just discovered some vocabulary with which to express himself.

Worst of all, it tells me you don't give a toss about trying to make things work in a multicultural, multi-religious country such as ours.

This applies to everyone in Malaysia, regardless of race or religion.

"Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion"

- Quran 109:6

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"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." Robert Pirsig wrote this in his book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."

All religions are a form of insanity. There is no god (or gods). We're on our own. Sockgate should make many in Malaysia stop and consider what religion has really brought to the table in light of the complete nonsense over a few items of clothing. Even if it were an entire shipment of Allah socks it would still be just as stupid to get upset over it. The fact that the sock, shoe, and now prayer/doormat issues have mobilized all of officialdom in the country tells the rational world that Malaysia may not be ready to govern itself.

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